how many soda/pop/energy drinks do you consume per week?

Ginger ale is delicious, I forgot about that. I don’t consider that in the same category though.

when I was a kid I used to drink a lot of pop. Then it was caffeine free stuff (root beer, ginger ale. sometimes sprite). always drank mad brita. Then vitamin water. Now I’ve graduated to juice.

i don’t really drink soda at all. i have dramatically cut back on my energy drink consumption and i’m down to about 4 rockstars a week.

that being said, i have a very high coffee consumption every day.


pretty much 0 now, i was hooked on rockstar for a while though

I always keep a case of poland spring nearby. You can’t go wrong with good old fashion H20.

Energy drinks are just fucking ridiculous.

maybe 1 every month…

At least 10 diet Pepsi per day.

10+ of diet caffeine soda, its basically carbonated water with some dark food coloring but its replaced 10+ of all the sugar so my heart won’t complain, only my teeth.

I stopped drinking pop all together. Except for in drinks with vodka or crown. I do not drink energy drinks anymore either.

I drink about 3-4 cans of coke every day… so 25 a week sounds about right.

When I was younger I would drink a 12 pack of soda in the summer everyday.

I drink a couple 24oz Dr Pepper’s a day(so 6 servings)

Energy drinks every once in a while

water- almost never

I drink a 16oz Full Throttle every time I work out…so about 3-4 times a week.
I’m very sensitive to caffeine, so 1 energy drink will give me energy and make me happy for about 4-6 hours.
I love it.

coffee is my real issue… i drink way too much…

as far as soda goes, I only have it when I’m drinking jack or soco, so once a week i have 1-3 cans of either coke or sierra mist, depending on how strong i mix the drinks…hah.

I go through Diet Vernors and Low Carb Monster like water!!!

dude, diet vernors? :uhh:

Aahah… “That age old barrel taste!!!”

Dont ask

i havent drank pop in about 3 weeks, i feel so much better

i only drink water, orange juice and skim milk with my protein shakes

Maybe one a week. Mostly depends on if the restaurant I’m at for lunch has tap water tastes like toilet water or not.

My habits haven’t changed because of Gov. Blindy though.

One a day… Sometimes two.