how many soda/pop/energy drinks do you consume per week?

I buy a case of Monsters every couple weeks. I usually grab 2 16.9oz Red Bulls in the morning.

I am on track to have diabetes by the 4th of July…

I was drinking pop every day at work and if i went out to get food i got pepsi. Since ive been working out i have only a few a week… especially on road trips and out to dinner when i don’t order beer.

BUT if they tax the shit I don’t see myself buying any from the store unless its for some kinda party or get together.

The only time I drink soda/pop is when it’s mixed with Captain or something and that’s not very often.

I like red/yellow amps.

I only like dark sodas.

I’d prefer a beer/juice instead.

i haven’t had Soda/Pop since 1999 when i gave it up as a new year’s resolution. Energy Drinks are a different story… i’ve cut myself down to about 1 a week from about 2 a day.

once every few weeks. sometimes once a month. usually only when there is a party of some sort will I drink pop.

i usually drink a 8.3 oz can of redbull a day at work. the owner orders flats, and employees pay $1 per. pretty good deal

i also used to drink an insane amount of coffee a day… like 3 tim hortons large cups w/just milk. now i might have 1 maybe 2 a week. but summer is coming up, theres nothing i love more than iced coffee mmmm

1-4 a week…

unless im driving back and worth to wisconsin, then its 4-5 that night

gotta have my Dr Pepper

I slug down a 2-liter of Mountain Dew before I have sex with my girlfriend.

Beats using condoms…

A decent amount,daily I consume at least 32-48oz of coffee.

No other energy drinks,nothing with sugar,maybe 1 glass of diet Pepsi a day w/lunch or dinner.

Just finished #3 so far today. All diet cokes so far, prob have some beers a lil later.

Water or Alcohol for me 99% of the time.

Either that or Orange Kool Aid (yes, lol!) or Red Bull if I’m on the road.

Soda? In the occasional mixed drink, but I can’t even handle it in those anymore.

i just had a reg pepsi with dinner, and it did nothing for me taste wise at all, all (sorry, i call it pop) tastes like shit to me now since ive stopped drinking it

mountain dew or clam juice?

ewwwwwwwwww. i’ll take the clam juice

I know this, low carb Monsters :wink: ha ha.

Thats a prime example of my addiction I used to have a case of those in my M3 at all times haha.

I generally consume 20-64 OZ of cola a day. And that figure will likely go up when Pepsi Throwback hits the shelves…

None. All water for me, I love redbull but theres just too much sugar in it.

sugar free rockstars ftw!

If I don’t get a coke by 1pm I get a headache. It is usually of the 20 oz variety, so that is easily 10+ a week.
I don’t like coffee, so it is my caffeine fix.