How many vacation days do you get/are you carrying over?

I am active duty Army. Im not in buff im in da mo frappin sandbox lolz its my new hangout. I go to college online and its a big pain in my ass but meh what you gonna do i guess. Im out of Ft.Lewis WA.

We were supposed to be going home in June, but now the word is somewhere around late april/ early may. would be so happy. I need to get my purple heart license plate that the state has, haha. And a new license.

ughh… be safe… if youre over there in bout 4 mos ill prlly see ya lol

started @ 3 weeks vacay, 5 “sick” days.
i was told we do not have sick days, but if i am
sick for more than 5 days they will question it.
(i have seen people take 15 sick days w/o anything other than a warning)

all my time off can be call in sick, vacay etc…
and I can take 4 hour inc.s

cougar, feel free to take it to PM’s. AFhockey31, same to you. Any questions, suggestions, or want to just bullshit hit me up. Im here as well.

I get 80 hours sick and 80 hours vaca 2 personal days and one holiday
I only work 35 hours weeks so it works out to 5 weeks a year

every 5 years it goes up 25%

everything can carry over …I can bank up to 240 hours in each area…
after 70 hours sick I can cash it in for 1/2 of the hours straight cash or move them to vaca time

I think I get 2 weeks vacation this year…unlimited sick days 15 holiday days and 2 floaters and no one keeps track so it’s kinda a free for all.

I accrue about 3.5 hours of PTO per pay period… i’m at well over 100 right now… so you do the math… should be a decent check when i put my 2 weeks in

3 weeks vacation, I can only carry over 5 days a year.

4 sick days, but my boss is pretty good with giving extra holidays off, like christmas eve, black friday, the day after christmas etc.

I have 15 days vacation and 5 sick. 5+ years gives you a extra week, only had 2 weeks vacation to begin with. Thats pretty average in the corporate work which when you think about it sucks.

unlimited sick time, and still get paid(within reason)+ 4 weeks vacation

edit: no carry over.

this year I had 4 weeks vacation, unlimited sick/personal which I didn’t really use.
my company starts with 2, +1 week every 5 years.

4 weeks vaca
12"sick" or personal days
5 mental health days, from what i’m told this is for the day after you felt sorry for youself and drank too much.

Then again, I generally don’t take days off as i’m either in a store, on the phone with company issues or replying to emails. So when I say I want a vacation we usually don’t go by the policy issued.

12 “holidays” and 15 days of vacation. Sick days aren’t counted anymore. We can carry over up to half of the vacation we earned in a year if we don’t use it all.

I get 14 vacation days/6.66 sick hours accrued each month/and 5 personal days. Personal and vacation are use it or lose it. I have no more personal days and 2 vacation days left to use.

I have like 30 something hours of sick time carrying over.

20 days vacation, and then overhead where applicable.

Can accumulate up to 3 months I believe, but I usually use it all up. Ya need a vacation every once in a while

My old man has it pretty good. Instructor at a state college, earns vacation time based on time worked (example: works 30 days get 1.25 days vacation) Also gets 3 weeks off around Christmas plus half of may, all of june and july, and half of august off during the summer. In all I think he only works roughly 8 months a year based on the school schedule. Plus has pretty good benefits. He deserves it though, worked hard for 30 years as a frame/body guy. Now he teaches kids how to do it and enjoys going to work.

I get hours off which in days works out in a year to
18.4 vacation days, 12 sick, 7 personal, 2 floating Holidys, and every holiday
I’m carring 250hrs vacation(can only keep 300 per year), 600 sick (1,200 pays my heath insurance in retirement, so i dont touch that) and a floating holiday from election day
and i work 37.5 hrs per week (well, i’m paid for anyway)
insert I luv NY jingle here.

as many as i can get, with accruing PTO… only restrictions are if a certain # of people have off that same day. i think i get abuot 5.5 hours added to my PTO bank with each paycheck

i get 3 weeks vacation, 6 personal days, and unlimited paid sick days. not too shabby.
typically no carry over, except this year because they are changing the fiscal. so this year they gave us 9 addl. days.