who was it from the Obama team that said, “Never let a crisis go to waste”? (paraphrasing)
who was it from the Obama team that said, “Never let a crisis go to waste”? (paraphrasing)
What a thug.
Wow, so when an employer with over 15 people sends a person home for being sick, they have to pay them? SOCIALISM!!!
it was rahm emanuel, and this is another completely unconstitutional piece of legislation eliminating competition and employment benefit differences amongst employers. if it was a state legislation i guess i could see the point but who ever said the government gets to tell businesses that they have to give people money for being sick. this is complete invasion of private business practice and will most likely pass because this country sucks.
If you don’t have sick leave at your job, its pretty much your fault for having a shitty job.
That is just a retarded statement.
The industries that rely on employees for production like manufacturing usually don’t have sick leave, only shut down for 6 major holidays (new years, memorial day, independence day, veterans day, thanksgiving and christmas), and don’t allow many vacation days because they don’t make money when the employee is not there. I believe Blue Eyed Devil runs a machine shop and probably doesn’t offer sick leave which is why he is interested in this legislation. I have worked in a machine shop for a dozen years and have seen the whole shop ill because sick employees won’t stay home. the employees just can’t afford to miss work. I am 100% for this bill passing, should have been done a long long time ago.
Actually I give 6 paid sick days and 7 holidays. At least 1/3 of my employees have 5 weeks vacation. With the way the economy is some of these “benefits” may change. It sucks but, the world is a different place than it was when we gave these out.
A bill like this could definately hurt employment, especially at smaller companies. So will the health care bills. The more a company is forced to give to each person the fewer people it can have. It is simple math.
I have to go order my Chinese robots now. lol
Yes but when the economy goes back to normal all employees will enjoy a higher benefit level at work.
So why do we still need unions?
Define normal. There is no going “back”. What imaginary world do you live in?
You do realize if this passes, most manufacturers will just stop holding on to so many full time employees and just utilize temp services right? If you want more benefits, earn a better job. I am not a very political person, but it seems that all the current legislation out there is going to destroy the small business base out there- especially in new york state.
You really think manufacturers will lay off full time employees over 7 sick days a year? If they do, it means they were going to lay them off anyway and now they have an excuse. If the business has 15+ employees they can afford to let someone stay home if they get sick instead of infecting everyone else.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
you understand there is a skill involved in most manufacturing based jobs? you can’t just plug in a temp and expect them to perform immediately. there is a lengthy training period involved even if the temp has experience with the machinery they will operate because every shop processes things differently. most shops will hold on to an under performing employee over replacing them because they don’t want to risk the time, money, and effort on an unknown like a temp.
and enough with the “find a better job” mentality. some of the best jobs in the region don’t offer sick leave. and forcing companies to offer it isn’t going to kill any business…unless they were already on their way out to begin with. this is one out of the many proposed government regulations that actually makes sense. now if we can only convince government to force HMO’s to cover gym memberships.
Actually… they do just fire temps into jobs like that with very breif explanations/training, lol.
and these are the companies that are picking up and moving to China for the cheaper labor.
No they will just take $10,000 out of there next raise. Sooooo how did that help? There is only so much money to go around in a small company. Oh and that chart you posted may have been true in the past but this planet has dramatically changed as I am sure you know.
That is the thing some people can’t get through their thick skull, all of these little straws are breaking the camel’s back.