What to do with vacation days?

I started with my company in January. I thought I had only 10 vacation days to use. I never wanted to take a day off to sit home and do nothing so I have only used 2. My boss emailed me and told me that I can only roll over 5 but maybe can allow me to roll over 7.

I did find out tho that I have 17 days to take off, not 10.

Any suggestions? I don’t have a house so taking off to get home projects done is not an option. Any cool places or things to do during the day that might be enjoyable?

go get a cheap plane ticket and hit up vegas for a few days? :shrug:

can you cash them in??..

cash them in if you can.

i never understood this.

vacation days are part of your comp package. not taking vacation days is essentially like saying “you know what, company, i like working for you so much, i am going to give you back a few of my paychecks!”

if you have nothing else to do, stay home and sleep, or buy a few books and read them. spend some time catching up with friends, or find a new hobby.

well 12/13 days works out to be like 2.5 weeks … really you dont want to just say ehh ill see you next month and take off the 2.5 weeks???

bosses don’t usually like it when you up and leave for the latter part of a month, whether you have the vacation time or not.

it is better than giving up your vacation time. that is such a huge waste of compensation. it literally is no different than just burning a couple of paychecks. no difference at all.

I talked about it but they said they are not sure.THey need approval to cash them in. They might let cash in 3 of the vacation days but that still leaves me with 5 days to use as of now.

As for taking off a large chunk of time, I work in a field that is not looked at highly to take off 2 weeks at a time due to the work environment and day to day support.

Def thinking about Vegas tho. Might be a nice get away next month with the bonus :slight_smile:

dude, just stay home for a day here and there. Play some xbox and beat-off as much as possible.

then his boss should let him carry them over, cash them in, or take them. it is his own fault for getting himself into this situation because of poor planning. not using them is extremely wasteful and stupid, but so is letting 3 weeks of comp time go until 10 of 12 months in the year are gone.


Take Fridays off for a few months??


his boss doesn’t have to do shit, he never took them.

I get 35 days of paid time off per year. My boss would hang me by the balls if I just saved them all up till the end of the year and just left for a month. There is work to be done. A week off here and there is one thing, but 2.5 weeks all at once is like kicking your boss in the nuts.

Especially in the IT field when shit is breaking every other day.

This is what we usually do.

see here at my work they tell us take off 3 weeks so you dont louse your time… bt we can save 210 hours of sick and 250 vaca… so the month of December and first 2 weeks of January i will not be at work im talking 6 weeks off

i can also cash in everything but i have to leave 35 hours in vaca and sick… i get 75% pay per hour i cash in

Thats a good one. It might be able to take a 4 day vegas vacation and then use the rest to take off Fridays till the end of the year and still roll over 7 days.

dont forget to take off the days of thanksgiving and xmas and new years…

just have those weeks off since they’re shot regardless of the holidays :slight_smile:

I envy you. I wish I could take off mondays and fridays for a few weeks. That would kick ass

I ended up with nearly 8 weeks paid off…

Went on two two week vacations, and I’m spending the rest of the time taking off saturdays for the rest of the year.

I work tuesday-saturday…

We can’t roll over or cash them in, so I’m using every second off…

Gotta love government contracts…

i never said his boss has to do anything. i said what he should do.

the moral of the story is this: saving vacation time until the end of the year is not a wise thing to do, especially if you are a professional and taking off a huge block of time is not feasible.