How many vacation days do you get/are you carrying over?

For all the people w/ real jobs…

  1. How many vacation/sick/personal days do you get a year?

10 vacation days per year. (this jumps to 15 in another 2 years or so)
5 Personal days (these can not be used in half day increments, unlike the others)
5 Sick days

Total: 20 days or four weeks.

(however, i can pretty much use them all interchangeably, i would say that with the exception of my trip to California in January, 90% of my vacation days were “call-in”)

  1. How much are you carrying over?

I have 3.5 vacation days left, one sick day. I have to use the sick day, but i can carry the vacation time?

  1. 15 vacation days, 5 sick days = 4 weeks a year, but they can be used all as vacation or vice versa.

  2. we have a “use it or lose it policy” - sooo I’m taking 4 weeks a year. holla

15 holidays

30 vacation days… and if i dont use any, they roll over to a max of 60 for the next year… i have unlimited sick days that dont come outa my leave balance :slight_smile:

10 vacation days
5 “optional holidays”
however many sick days(used 1.5)

nothing carries over… bastards.

Currently I get 1.66 vacation days and 1.66 sick days per month. In addition to holidays, etc.

So every year = 20 vacation days + 20 sick says
Next year it bumps up to 21

In March that bumps up to 1.75 per month

Mine never expire, but I have been burning through vacation days like crazy. I have 10 vacation days left, but will be using a lot when UB is closed for the holidays. I have 41+ sick days in my bank that never expire. :slight_smile:

Whatever I dont use for vacation I get a check for. this year was 5 days…my sick carries over…then after 15 days accumulated I get a check for anythign over that…this year though i wil have 3 that roll over to next year

I started with 12 Vacation Days this year
4 sick

currently 2 weeks vacation, 3 personal, but it should go to 3 weeks vacation next year i believe…

we’re not supposed to carry over but we can if we ask

on a side note Jim my coworker is at ur place now

10 vacation days, 5 sick days. Vacation days can either be carried over or cashed in. Sick days are use or lose

4.6 hours of PTO (paid-time off) time for every 80 hours worked.

I currently have over 100 hours of PTO that I need to chew off before I leave in August. They roll-over year to year.

I don’t use much time as my pay is performance bonus orientated with a pathetic hourly rate. Time = money.

10 days vaca, not to be used during certain times of the retail year :frowning: they can be carried over though

10 vacation
5 sick
1 personal

I can roll over any and all of the above, I will carry over 5 vacation, and 3 sick

I have 80 hours vaca, 80 hours sick, and vaca left I get paid for, any sick time left I lose.

Needless to say I have about 40 hours vaca and 8 hours sick time left this year, and plan on calling in sick on the 31st.

Right now I get 3.5 weeks of vacation/sick time.

At the end of next year I will be bumped up to about 4.5 weeks.

I can’t carry over vaction time unfortunately so I burned a day this week and then I am taking 4 off next week.

Same. As of right now i have 27 days and i just took 18. In May/June im taking 30 days of leave, damn thats going to be sweet.


BUT I have to use the “vacation” only during assigned periods, and can’t just say “I’m leaving for this week, and will be back on X day”.

We will have to get together… I should be in town ~June, July at the latest.

Word do you know when you are leaving this shithole. Word on da street is my ass be leaving in May woot. Beers fo sho, we can get drunk and talk shit to people that have opinions on this place that think they are more vaild then ours because they read something. GAWD i hate that.

i actually have 43 days right now, but im gonna blow a lot of them when i go back home next week

what branch and where you at? im assuming guard or reserve if youre in buff and in school

you asked bout what my job was and it didnt click before

3 weeks vacation, unlimited sick days and 2 floaters. Gonna change on Jan 2nd though :slight_smile: