How many vacation days do you get/are you carrying over?

I get 2 weeks (10 days), plus 2 floaters. So, 12 days total. As far as holidays, if I’m on the schedule, I’m working them, getting paid 2.5 my hourly rate (even though I’m salaried). If I’m not scheduled to work the holiday, I get paid anyways. But I’ll often swtich with people so I can work the holiday, for the pay.

As far as sick days, we don’t have them, as far as a set amount goes. But, if we call in sick, we still get paid. We kind if just don’t make a habit of it.

Where I work we get PTO (paid time off), 10 sick days which is actually 20 because the union contract states that when you call in it counts for two days off. But when we call in it uses our PTO so that we still get paid. We also get 2 personal health days where we are paid if we take them. We accumulate 9 hours of PTO per pay period so its like a day off every two weeks. As far as vacation goes you tell them when you want to take one and PTO covers it.

17 vacation days…
all bank holidays…
6 personal/sick days…

no doubt.
i have only used 3 in the 7 years i have worked here. its amazing how much more lenient my boss is with me when i want to leave early or take off for something than he is with the people that abuse it.

I need to use 4 more sick days this year…I guess I won’t be in work next week :slight_smile:

6 weeks paid vacation at $1000/week, 6 holidays at $300/day, before taxes.

i cant even remember the last time i took a vacation day

I get 15 vacation days that i can use in 4/8 hour blocks
5 sick personal that i can use in hour increments

the best part

the remainder of the time i have left in december if i dont use it i will be paid out the hours Vs. my rate

196 hours vacation time 40 hrs personal and 260 hrs sick time. all transfers over to next year then i accum. sick and vacation hours at a rate of 4 every 2 weeks then 8 extra hours every holiday