How much commute can you handle?

i do a 45-50min commute to hvcc everday without traffic, i didnt used to mind it when i drove the caddi or the cutlass, but it sucks driving this dumpy riding 240sx.

I work all over the place, and drive a company truck, so a lot of this doesn’t impact me… but I’ll tell you the most important thing to me; TIME. You really can’t put a true cost on it.

I used to live in Altamont, and I really loved it there, and I’m sure I’ll be back out there soon enough, but I moved into Albany 4 years ago, and I love it. Every day it would take me 20-25 minutes to where I live now, if you add that up 20 mins a trip, times twice a day, times 5 days a week, times 52 weeks a year, divided by 60 mins/hr…

x 2 trips

40 mins a day
x 5 days a week

200 mins a week
x52 weeks a year

10,400 mins a year
\60 mins

173 HOURS OF COMMUTING TIME A YEAR!! THAT’S JUST BACK AND FOURTH TO WORK!!! Everytime you need a loaf of bread, or trip to the lumberyard or hardware store ADD MORE.

I drive all over like a maniac and love it, but I’ll tell you one thing… I’m not going to waste 173 hours a year aimlessly driving back and fourth to work or wherever the fuck.

DON’T FORGET: This is only a 20 minute commute! A lot of people do well more than this!

I’m planning on buying a 2 family house in Albany now, and when I have fam, and am ready to slow down, I’ll be back in Altamont or Guilderland Center or so…

my commute is like 30-40 minutes one way average. if theres an accident or a particularly high number of dumbasses on the road it can go upwards of an hour one way daily 5 days a week.

im currently crashing at my parents house in nisky (1/2 mile from the hs) and i commute to downtown albany (551 central) and i drive central allll the way down…about 20 min-ish…
then i drive up to paesans at around 4 in guilderland…about 15 min depending on traffic…then deliver pizza till 10 then head up western to 155 then up central back into nisky…about 15 min-ish

dont bother me too much…

Why wouldn’t you jump on 890 and then over to I 90 and get off at the Everett Road exit?

Already killed the stepside?

cuz its maybe a minute or two longer…at most…probably about the same time…
its more direct…and i somewhat control my speed…i use less gas that way…lol

Not all commutes are bad commutes.

If most of commute involves the backroads it can be rather relaxing.

Some people dedicate their free time and spare days to go on cruises just to hit the back roads and it should be a pleasure to do it daily on your way to work.

A highway commute on the other hand is a chore, especially in traffic or if you care for your license.

However time spend in a car is not always a waste of time, especially us being car guys.

If you’re seriously worried about the time you spend and lack of benefit from it, get some books on tape/CD that could actually teach you a think or two.

Think about it, one hour each way, two hours a day, ~700 hours a year to learn something.

I work for the state in downtown Albany and have moved around over the last few years in different apartments mostly because I’m not going to stick around up here that much longer so I didn’t want to get saddled with a house. Right now my commute is 5-10 minutes, and it sucks - its too short. For me, 20-30 minutes is fine for a commute time, though it all depends on the traffic. I enjoy driving just to drive, and during the summer love going out for a drive on a warm night.

With my job now you wouldn’t get me to live much farther north than Latham. I’ve heard the horror stories about traffic up and down I87 in the morning and evening. And I’m pretty sure I’d kill someone with the idiots that are on the road. No blinkers for changing lanes, talking on the cell phone, putting on their makeup, slamming on the brakes, etc etc. Fuck that. If I was to stay up here and keep the job I have now, I’d look farther west towards Nassau, out toward Altamont, or south towards Selkirk. I’d want some land, some seclusion, but some convenience at the same time.

I know I definately wouldnt complain about a 5-10 minute commute.

I love driving and its actually what I do for work so its not driving that bothers me, its the monotonous drive to work that gets boring.
Its also time out of my day that could be spent doing something else.

Theres days when Ill go somewhere other than work and take the long way home but not so much lately now. I did take the long way home from Cobleskill on Sunday and it was a nice ride.
Back when I had my last car and a day off during the week sometimes Id just drive around for something to do. There were days I drove 100+ miles with no real destination in mind. Ive cut back on doing that now with the truck.

Vlad, I commute from East Greenbush to downtown Schen every day. Kinda sucks, but the thruway isn’t bad, I-90 is hell. Takes about 45minutes. It’s annoying.

Didn’t know you reside in Schen.

I90 is a double edged sword. It’s great when it works right, but if you catch it at the wrong time of day it will make you regret the choice real quick.

Commuting on the highway is something that would be extremely harsh on me as I have a tendency to fall asleep when not active as I usually average 4-5 hours of sleep. Highway travel keeps me way to sedentary and my eyes get heavy. City streets aren’t too bad.

Vlad, I live in EG, I drive to Schen for work. :slight_smile:

Good post. There is a lot of things to take into consideration with moving “out there”.