how much money and time does it take to do a h22 swap into a 6th gen?

Originally Posted by r00cedouchebag :
“…so uh, contradictory to my previous alliteration of said stated magistratial apprehensions, I concluded these truths to be self evindicating…”?

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

im scared. im assuming your threats are like your work habits–which means im perfectly fine because you will never do anything. in the rare event you do do something, i bet it will be a half assed attempt.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :owned:

:tounge: haha nice


We’re you the one trying to spread shit about HD about 7-8 months ago?

Oooo…at a law firm we call that “slander”. Here’s a little lesson on slander boys and girls:

slan·der (slăn’dər) pronunciation

  1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person’s reputation.
  2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

A type of defamation. Slander is an untruthful oral (spoken) statement about a person that harms the person’s reputation or standing in the community. Because slander is a tort (a civil wrong), the injured person can bring a lawsuit against the person who made the false statement. If the statement is made via broadcast media – for example, over the radio or on TV – it is considered libel, rather than slander, because the statement has the potential to reach a very wide audience.

damn, how did my name get in this, i am pretty sure everyone on this site knows i build/race v8 cars, the only thing i do to 4cyls is exhaust… man, us v8 guys don’t have these kinda problems…thank GOD


omg how did i miss that… LO Fuckin L!!! hahahahah

:bowrofl: please get real.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:


comon… what shop is this??? gotta know, so i can stay away from buisiness deals with them. I think it should be public info

It is, read through the thread.

this thread just keeps getting better and better lol

yes it does. truth wins out in the end allways.

Your going to find yourself in a certainly compromising situation very shortly…all over something that has nothing to do with you.

Be the tough guy, see where it leaves you bud. Heather’s assessment of my job position is dated information, and I’ve had enough of this.

I have no need to defend my actions to any damn one of you, as stated several times, Heather has her option. VW16VCabby, you make your decision on how your going to proceed. I’m not going to post again, I’m going to merely start dealing with this, that’s a promise.

Nobody on here has to agree, everyone can try to get brownie points with the cute girl on pittspeed, but the fact is it’s none of your concern. MIND your goddamn business, I’m not going to tell you again.

This entire thread has been printed and bookmarked. I work for the Turtle Creek Police Department, and broadcasting my full name, address, etc. is certainly not going to be tolerated. Pictures of my residence have also been posted without my permission. You people are fucking with the wrong person.
This shit ends now. You’ve all stated your opinions multiple times, if you want to continue that’s gonna be on you.

do you work on the police cars??? :kekegay:

LOL you don’t even know 1/10’th of the people on here.

aren’t you the one that didn’t provide a service as promised??? oh wait… you aren’t going to reply… thank god.

no, i dont think im fucking w/ the wrong person. your name is damien, and you fucked how many people out of money. So seems like i got the correct person. As for brodcasting your name, address–well, you did work out of that address, so that means it is a “business”, not a private dwelling. So therefore it woudl be common knowledge.

Pictures of your residence, i dont remember seeing those in this thread. Did see a shot of your work bay/garage spot, or are you talkign about that?

what, you gonna take me to court and file charges, lol. on what grounds? surely can not be slander or defamation of character. As i never attacked you personally, just your mechanic skills, or lack there of.

and dont swing the “i work for turtle creek pd” bullshit here. as if you truely a man of the law, you wouldnt be fucking people over. However, your dispatch job for 911 i hear is more fitting, as your good at talkign to people over the phone and telling them what they want to hear to calm them down.

Heather: ??? and you really should contact a lawyer

Police Officer whatever: $10,000 is borderline small claims. In the event you file libel, she could easily counter with fraud, in which case there is a good chance you may lose both. It’s obvious something was not done right in this situation. The burden of guilt in this case is…she paid you money to perform a service and you never did it. Does that make any logical/legal sense? (And you can reply, you’ve stated before you weren’t going to post and did anyway…)