how much money and time does it take to do a h22 swap into a 6th gen?

what do you do down at turtle creek pd? i have some friends down there.

DUDE you cant talk shit then delete it!!! LOL!!! “Reason Deleted: …Tired” You are so full of shit. It’s still there. Please leave.

tired of wrenching?

we’ve had a couple classic threads recently… :bigok:

why did he delete everything???

probably because of my post.

i bet he doesn’t work at the police station.:nuts:

tired but i fixed some

1st…How the hell did I miss this thread? LOL
2nd… What do the turtle creek police have to do with this? Police officers render criminal charges, this is clearly a civil matter as I’m sure they will tell you.
3rd… Ask your police friends about laws pertaining to “plain view” and “open view” photography. No laws have been broken in those aspects.
4th… Edgar Snyders number is 1-866-9-4EDGAR, and don’t worry because there is never a fee unless he gets money for you!..should I cite that quote or will you turn me in for plagarism? :slight_smile:

Alright, Did i ever say it was anybody’s fault? The car ran fine for a year now and all along it was the gauge cluster …also i never said i paid money for him to put my turbo in. But i did say i paid for the parts…so how are you going to quote me when your information is all screwed up… I mean your going to flame him and make up this whole bullshit story about how it was just 10grand for just the swap and putting it in for some reason i think this information is wrong he did alot more work than just the swap…i have dealt with him ever since i bought my car and i had no problems my car was back to me in 2 days and that was swapping my D16Z6 and tranny to a D15B and new tranny. plus he’s working by himself with know help. I told you straight up I never had problems with him but you seem to think he’s some kind of hack thats all wrong…and about all the prices i paid 1500 for the motor,tranny,new bumper,and 2 brand new fenders in the boxes,new axles,fluids…i mean that sounds quite reasonable to me…

who the fuck are you?

my name kind of tells you who i am

try this link

acctually your name tells us shit other than you have a civic… congrats

all you need to know is that i am a person who dealt with him and had no problems…



well go deal with him and get the fuck out of here?

1st off… your an idiot… lets get that stright, 2nd who gives a flying fuck if you work for the turtle creek pig department, THIS IS NOT A CRIMINAL MATTER

  • > PIGS

Now go cry in the corner of your garage, I mean work bay, because noone likes you on the internet. Please do us all a favor and save the bandwith for useful quality shops like Hybrid, 1st Try, JJ’s, and Domination

he’s just letting everyone know/warning you that he will abuse his power