how much money and time does it take to do a h22 swap into a 6th gen?

hey you…bear fucker…do you need assistance??? :rofl::rofl: great movie

here is what i said—

didnt see the car personally, so dont know how it looks. yet sounds like he has been waiting on a turbo kit he already paid for. been 2 months now he says. of course, money paid up front for it.

and here is what you said— also i never said i paid money for him to put my turbo in. But i did say i paid for the parts…

ok, so where is the problem? sounds like to me you and i said the same damn thing. also, note i never said anything bad in my post… so where did i miss quote you? iirc, i believe i told you to change the cluster??? never did i say in my post it was damien’s fault. how ever, i was stressing the point that you paid money for shit and parts were not delivered/made in a timely manner. you even said that to me yourself, along w/ something to do w/ he dont answer phone or something… Now you know why he has a security camera aimed at his door, so he can see who is knocking to avoid talking to them.

as for your money spent on your swap, i’ll leave it alone as it is not terrible price. could have found shit cheaper if u knew the right people.

as for heathers car, would you like to see the reciepts? there is 10 grand there. The man said himself in this post he had 350 hours or something crazy into it. tell me you work 9 weeks straight at 40 hrs a week and shit wont run??? That tells me your a hack or a con artist. So damien is still a douche bag who cant turn a wrench to save his life. so go suck his dick some more.

WOW, he must have had his dick up your ass when you wrote this!!:idb: Next I am suuuuuuuure he has somehow paraded around and told you HOW GREAT HIS WORK IS and how he is the "O N L Y PERSON THAT CAN DO IT. "

So lets complete an ending for the beautiful story of “somekidwithacivic-thathas-somenonworkin-nonmotivated-ripseveryoneoff-butofcoursenot-thekidwiththecivic”.

  1. You met Damian
  2. Damian impressed you with his great communication skills and big words ( even though he has 4 peice of sh** cars out front.
  3. You look over it cause he says he is sooooooooo great and quite skilled
  4. YOu give him money cause parts are needed
  5. He takes forever to get em…( but of course you know the excuse )
  6. Some shit gets done…
  7. you get your car back WOO HOO
  8. shits wrong so your bitch to others ( which did happen )
  9. Damian finds out and calls you like he’s your girlfriend and you just fucked he best friend )
  10. He tells you its over and that NOBODY can do a turbo set up like him
  11. You fuck and make up
  12. Then you creat a s/n on PS and here we are reading your gay as post so that you can get your car finished!

Everything is A-okay for sure!!! GOODLUCK
-maybe after this thread he will try to impress you!




this was a gay ass fucking post in the begining. so your going to say my post is gay when you got someone to make this post so you didnt look like a fucking drama queen…

you told me it couldnt be the cluster it was something in the wiring…or did he switch the ecu when that is not even needed for the type of swap i got done

wait your telling me to suck his dick some more it seems your sucking her’s…am i right?

are you mildly retarded?

WOW, you’re an idiot!

Let’s go back to highschool, shall we.

  1. Definition of Drama Queen- someone who is melodramatic, an exaggeratedly dramatic person (not always a woman).
    ** if your saying that I am or anyone else is being a little too dramatic…hmm well, by the definition above “exaggerating” is the key word there. but, THERE IS NO EXAGGERATING IN THIS THREAD- simply and easily stated facts have been listed here.**
  2. Definition of Fact-something that has actual existence, an actual occurrence
    ** so as you see…this has happened, if you don’t believe it ask around to others or research your friend yourself.( see what you come up with ) I know I wish I would have along time ago**
  3. Next, Pittspeed is a group of people ( most of which get along and are friends ) this website can be used to help others with ?'s, advice, and for guidance in a situation.
    4.In regards to the thread being started by someone other than myself. Well, I’m not sure about you but I happen to have people in my life that care. See what that means is that they don’t fuck you over and that they will help you when you need them.

IN THE END, going back to the first post. It was all a question to seek advice on price and time…the people wanted to know what and who had did such a thing. And it was then, that shit was mentioned in detail.

I guess you would rather NOT know when a person has a bad rap and who those people are?? It was just a warning.

so you really took all that time to look up those definitions?
well anyway why would you ruin someone’s reputation when your the only person that has seemed to have problems with him?


Here’s a thought: it takes 30 seconds or less to search a definition on the net. Though it must take you a while because you obviously aren’t a THINKER otherwise you would have read the thread before posting at the end of it.

By the way, what reputation??? The only rep this guys got is bad. ( I just never knew it when I first started dealing w/ him ) Again the info about the mentioned is stated throughout…why don’t you read it. Need more proof outside of here, do some research.

sounds like a corky to me…

iirc, i asked if you switched back to the stock cluster yet, you said no. i mentioned to you to try that 1st. I dont ever recall saying it “couldnt be the cluster”. i do recall telling you damien is a hack, and you could call and tell him though. actually, im pretty sure i said that more than once.

as for the ecu, u are corect, it is not needed to swap from a non vtec to vtec sohc. that was brought up when you mentioned something along the lines of the vtec not kicking in at desired rpm point (in hindsight, it probably was but your cluster being fucked made it seem like it wasn’t according to the tach). i asked if it (ecu) was swapped to see how vtec was wired. you have a 6th gen non vtec, correct? so iirc, that is a p2e ecu. the vtec ecus were different, p2p’s i believe. if you swap computers, then obviously the vtec computer controls vtec you cut a pigtail and solder it in, no biggie. if you keep the stock non vtec computer, then you wire vtec in differently–off a rpm activated switch–like a shift light or whatever you desire. that why i asked about that. because vtec not engaging tells me one of 3 things. bad ground wire on oil pressure sensor, possible shorted out wire from the pull though the fire wall on the 2 wires that would go to the ecu, or the vtec solenoid itself possibly faulty.

either way, he is still a hack. congrats!!! he pulled a stock motor and basially replaced it w/ an identical motor that has vtec which means he ran 2 wires through the firewall from the vtec solenoids. master fabricater i tell ya.

by the way, did he paint your fenders and bumper cover for you? i hear he is good at it :wink:

Guys… Kidwithaciivic is from Monessen… you should all remember that when you read his comments… you must read slow and try and make sence of what he is saying… just a heads up…

this thread got really stupid in the last 2 pages…other than sailor or marks posts it looks like a bunch of knewbs bitching at eachother about hondas.

btw if the issue in this thread was resolved why is it still open? - j/w

+1 to lock

I’m not sure but I’m not really a newb…next I was commenting back because that is normally what you do as a reply to one thing or another.

I do agree with the fact that this thread has turned off topic slightly. Lock it if you wish…

btw,it wasnt created to resolve anything. I’ll do that at court.

“Your honor, I was l33t1ng the interweb and found people ebashing me and I do like it sniffle, please judge, throw these internet surfers in e-jail!!”