how much to remove chain guides?

i have a stock 92 240sx and has about 250,000 kms on it. There’s a ticking sound whenever the car’s ideling. The sound goes away when i step on the gas or when the car is moving. Correct me if i’m wrong but i think it’s the chain guides. How much is it to remove the guides and can someone reccommand to a good place to do it.

any help is apprieciated

Yeah, anything but nissan places, they will charge you arm and leg for it. :slight_smile: Your local mechanic will do. Or Auto Illusions 416-636-3738 . His name is Bruno. They guy charges $50 per hour for labour and he specializes in performance cars, mostly rice boxes Honda’s but so far my 240 got a nice treat from him.

Do it yourself :thumleft:

thx i’ll try to do it myself but it looks pretty hard

thx everyone i got the guides taken out

trust me stay away


Stay away from what?

Anyways my timing chain rattles, does it really matter? Like is something gonna happen if I don’t fix it ?

no serious guy trust ME