How much traction is too much?

1st - you are drag racing, not autocrossing… drop your tire pressure quite a bit for the street and even more for the dragstrip.

2nd - there is no magical formula for when your car will pop and axle. if you want to race, you have to realize that things will break, and its part of the sport.

if you want better times, but dont want to break parts, you should go out and buy a car that doesnt cost a lot, is reliable, fast, and doesnt break when you beat on it… kind of sounds like searching for the holy grail to me :bloated:

Isn’t the formula “Cheap. Fast. Reliable. Pick two”? :shrug: :lol:

plain and simple you cavy is stock or very near it you will not break a axle don’t let these people scare you, don’ get me wrong if you constantly race something will break but your not going to snap a axle unless your constantly dropping it from 5-7K (i don’t know your redline)

when your racing at the track you NEED to drop your pressures down you can keep the rear a bit higher if you really want but the fronts should be at MOST 30-32psi maby even 28 would be good for a street tire. follow the car’s specs on tire pressure not the tires rated pressure, on the cavies I beliee its on the driver door jam should be either 30 or 32psi.

don’t get RSA’s again if you want traction they don’t hook well for the money and they don’t last long either.

a little thing called wheel hop plagues fwd cars w/ stock suspension and even stock power. so he could potentially snap and axle with a stock cavy. :shoot:

exactly… wheel hop is evil!

and like everyone else said, i’d lower your tire pressures

I’ll make sure I avoid wheel hop at all costs.

I plan on inflating my rear tires to the max, and the fronts I had planned to run around 30psi

Something is going to give, it’s either going to be your tires (wheel spin), your clutch (slip) or something is going to break in between.

You are not making ANYWHERE near enough power to snap an axle aside from poor driving. You will not snap your axels even with slicks. There are many many FWD cars running around with much more power than your “130HP @ the wheels” that are running just fine on econobox axels.

2.4 is crawling off the line. Lower your tire pressures a TON at the track. You will have to launch the car if you want good times, it’s the hardest part.

More likely than not, the first thing you will want/need to upgrade to get better launches will be the clutch. Nothing else will make that much of a difference as long as you are pussy footing it off the line.