How often do you see other drivers "ass clowning" in the snow

drifting a FWD car in the snow is about as rewarding as riding a fat chick.

I heart my Talon TSi AWD!!!

My e30 has no traction what so ever in the snow. Which means I get to have fun all the time whether I like it or not :wink:

practically never anymore…

North Tonawanda, at the Wurlitzer building is just white out… can’t see more than 3 feet in front of you.

I was driving down Aero Drive in Williamsville on my way to wegmans when I offered to pull out a mid-90’s wrangler that had gotten its entire front end engulfed in a snow bank. There was i think 4-5 guys stuffed in this thing so, not sure if it was anyone on here, but it looks like they had a good time before that. haha


PS - stop making me miss my Z

i went out on my lunchbreak and had some fun in the bmw. watch out tho its amazing how many people out there still dont know how to drive.

every time it snows i have a glorious time on the roads and in parking lots. soooo much fun.

every time i’m in depew/cheektowega, no matter what car i’m driving, i accidently/purposely drift the left turn coming off the 33, turning onto dick. haaa.

oh, but to answer the question, i rarely see other driver’s “ass clowning.” I always see other drivers in ditches. never fails.



You do get funny looks when your headlights are pointing into other people’s side windows, that’s for sure.

I love it, I turn traction control off about 50% of the time, and use snow mode about 50% of the time.

The best part is the 100% stealth mode, where if I’m fucking around nobody suspects that i’m assclowning. :snky:

cue up the sliding cars vid…

With the active headlight on the 335 it’s funny to watch the lights go side to side based upon the steering angle, when a lot of the steering is done with the throttle. As soon as you corrrect or counter steer, the headlights move, but the car just stays pointing in the other direction. LOL


Haven’t done to much sideways action with the jeep this winter. Have to hold the trac button down while at a complete stop for 5 sec’s for the esp to turn off. Other wise you don’t get to go sideways it recovers for you. I have however gone through some pretty deep snow.

I miss my 95 impreza wagon, that was fun in the snow.

Never see others and I try to drift every corner that seems good. I always had to use the ebrake with fwd cars but I’m having a lot more fun with a rwd truck now.

ALWAYS. So much fun, also good practice for when you find yourself in a crazy slick road predicament.

Never. The best is the looks I get in the wagon when I’m fucking around.

i get stuck in anything over an inch

so no, i do not

I did it in my car on the way home from hockey last night… but not on purpose i hit a patch of ice and did a 360 while staying on my side of the road…

it was definitely a but pucker moment, but i didn’t hit anything and i laughed about it after

My car is pretty fun in the snow, VERY predictiable when its going to let go with DSC off… with it on its pretty much impossible to do anything stupid…

I have a blast with my crown vic, I love winning stop light to stop light races against people who have AWD