How smrt is NYSpeed?

dumb why would they change that shit

So your parents could brag.

if you were on the new SAT dont vote. or multiply your score by 2/3.

And you would feel better about yourself since everything has to be touchy feely rainbows and sunshine now.

You are no longer fat and lazy…you are big boned and unmotivated

You are no longer stupid…you havent lived up to your potential.

Sugar coating makes me want to kick babies and punt seals.

I am fucking smrt.

motion to make anyone sub-1100 read-only on the election and oil prices threads.

I’d say ban them from those completely, but perhaps they’ll learn something.

jesus, I can’t remember that far back, lol. it was either 1230 or 1320.

or to get in a good school … but you get the asshats like me that think it was cooler to drop out:picard: and get the gEd :gotme:

flame on MFer

oh and i had a 1380 somthing


not a bad idea…


1170 and boy do I feel dumb now after seeing the above results.
That was second highest in my school back then and was considered a great score.
Not anymore I guess.You kids are getting too smart lol

1500+, and I taught SAT prep to inner city kids for several years in college.

Critical Reading: 510. Average score is 502.
Math: 450. Average score is 515.
Writing: 520. Average score is 494.

SATs and IQ tests are poor judges of someone’s potential for brilliance. :shrug:

Genius shows it’s thumbprint in all aspects of life, from simple derivatives of “math” to astounding areas of art and literature. Regrettably standardized testing cannot compute the intangibles or the subjective… however I guess they are good for getting into legitimate universities or at the occasional big dick swinging event. :slight_smile:

edit: that being said i pulled a mid 1300s in a class that had multiple 1600 scores. my graduating class may have never won any state trophies in football or basketball, but i think we won every local engineering competition, mathlete tournament and mock trial :lol:


We only had Math and Verbal back in the day

There are so many good parody threads here:

How ugly is nyspeed

How poor is nyspeed

How lame is nyspeed

Awesome! NYSPEED = one big dick swinging event!

I guess they added writing cause too many kids were getting into schools without knowing how to write an understandable paper. Stupid underagers.