How smrt is NYSpeed?

Do lame people know that they are lame?

These shouldn’t even be considered parodies. They would be legitimate and quite necessary.

Hey, we can create an NYSPEED SAT: Suckiness Aptitude Test. It can even be scored out of 2400 like the jailbait SAT.

ugly, poor, and lame sections, each out of 800.

I would like to see how scores relate to whether or not you took a test prep course.

680 math 720 verbal.

I’m sure the real world has had a negative impact on my mind though. In grade school I tested in the genius range on an IQ test. If I took one today I think they’d put up one of those “Slow People” signs in front of my house like they did to Peter on Family Guy. :frowning:

SWAT??? forget the “W”?


IHI because there is no way to validate some of these claims.

and p.s. thank you for not using ‘ALOT’

in for jailbait

sat score rankings changes a couple of times in the last few years fyi

At first they looked moderately “OK” however the results have progressed into FANTASY.

Not pointing fingers or anything, but some of the posters claiming HIGH sat scores feel rather unbelievable. jesse aaron

Joe, Silver, SkunkApe



600 - math
480 - verbal

My reading comprehension and vocabulary skills were/are horrendous

edit: I really do not beleive around 50-60% of the current ratings. If they are infact true, then wtf are you people doing hanging around buffalo?


I still have my results filed. Scan or ban?

and lol ninja edit.

:gay3: While all in good fun, just not worth it today :lol:

And that’s why you scored 1300-1400. Smart! :highfive:

I has smart!

lol, whatever his score was, it was good enough to get him that sweet gig at applebees.

edit: damnit Geoff