How stupid are people?

when i got my laptop it came with its own built in scanner program for viruses thanksssssssssssss though :hug

I have “dumb sex”

^ :lol samies, I must be a tard

You probably already have Lupus anyways.

OOOOOOOO shut it i don’t have anything! :Idiots

That’s what they all say.

1 in 4 teen girls have an STD. :cry:

  1. Not a teen 2. I know I don’t have anything

4 out of 4 teen girls who turn age 20 are not teens.


hahaha, this thread is getting hilarious

just making sure you’re paying attention here, i know its hard…

That’s great. :rofl

ALright noobs mcgee

god im a minority up on here, not many chicks up here huh? you boys are viscous

Play nice children!

lol playing nice is NEVER fun!! common!!!

thats what i said. :retardclap

I like where your heads at lol

lol nice, realllll nice

lmfao you would :rofl