what in the hell is with all the losers on craigslist?

just a rant… Selling a truck and a minibike on craigslist. What the hell is with all these people who say they’re going to buy something and then don’t? I’ve been trying to sell a truck and I’ve received a bunch of interest. Two people said “I’ll come pick it up tomorrow, cash in hand” and then never showed up or returned calls/emails/texts again.

Same with the damn $175 minibike I’m selling… Who says " what’s your address, i’ll be over in 30 minutes", and then doesn’t show, call, text, nothing…

bad luck? bad economy? I just never remember having this much trouble selling something…

People actually want the stuff, but soon after telling you they are interested, realize they don’t want to spend the money/come to pick it up.

I have done that before. It sucks and I feel bad always. It’s usually because I get tied up with something else. Having a family and job and school stuff.

I could completely understand if all 6 or 7 of them didn’t decide to ignore my emails, texts, phone calls afterwards. LOL. Now i unfortunately have to wish bad things upon them.

That’s shitty. I’ve always answered txts/ e-mails and any messages .

info on mini bike?

CL sucks like that. You generally get 3 to 4 times the amount of blow hards on CL then you do selling something on your street or what not.

I think most people who use CL are poor or unsure what they want, this is the society we live in. I hate getting stiffed, just call me and tell me you’re not coming.

Happens all the time. And tons of lowballers. If you want $6000 for a car, list it for $7000 and then let them think they are getting a deal for $6000. You get what you wanted and they feel special.

LOL if its listed for 7k, i might pay 4500.

People over ask for things all the time then get hurt when you tell them what its really worth, like whoever it was on here trying to get 3800$ for a 1200$ corsica. lolll.

i got 38 emails about my grand am on cl, not a peep back from any of them, then i got a straggler who bought it for asking price and didnt even try to talk me down.

Did you say Craigslist or NYSpeed?

see http://www.nyspeed.com/showthread.php?155835-70s-Rupp-minibike.-3.5-Hp-engine.

the moral is that any free service that has value will attack losers. (not to say that all who use the service are losers)

if craigslist would attack them we would be all set.

use ebay if it annoys you… a more premium service will always cost more.



now i completly understand why no one showed up for your $175 mini bike

that’s … my $175 OBO minibike. :smiley:

oh my bad, $12

Ive seen a similar response on nyspeed…maybe a little less since its tied to user accounts and you can PM.
I’ve changed my mind on buying a few things before but at least I’ll get back to the person with an explanation. I also try to tell the truth, even if it’s just “I don’t want it any more.” Gotta love the people that “Lose their job” within the two hours between email responses.