How the Big Boys Roll...

they make up to 750cc saturated last i checked which works out to ~70lbs/hr

its not really “plug” and play, more like splice n play

well like i said, there ARE larger high imp injectors available, but getting the driveability to be as nice with them is more of a chore.

does anybody have pictures of the DSM resistor box? is it going to make my crank walk again? :stuck_out_tongue:

Toda’s right its more of splice and play… all your really doing is reducing the resistance so that the injector pulse is correct. Honda guys use them all the time.

HA u fag, i’ve selling off all my stuff, u know this,i’m done for awhile and i’m not included in tire burning for 08’.
ken :tup:
bill :tup:
oroc :tdown:

lol no

my car runs fine on 1000 cc injectors. any knowledgeable tuner can get them to run just fine.

im personally using a resistor box out of older hondas that ran on peakhold injectors from like the late 80s early 90s.

its just a box/heat sink with resistors inside as devout said

SHUT UP… you will ride or i will make you ride. check out the nametag. you’re in my world now grandma

DSM’s are setup from the factory to run high imp. inj. but the turbo models run low imp. injectors.

hmmm… i will definitely look into this

nope, with u living next door now, it WILL be out… we can fab everything and u know it fagblaster… killer setup for u though :slight_smile:

but if u still decide to be gay, u can drive my car :lol:

What type of injector plug does your car use Bill? Denso or Bosch?

god, i dunno. if i saw a picture i could tell ya

i’d lol if a gm car used denso’s


edit: beat me to it

wheres the baby / turbo size comparrison picture? :tdown: lame :slight_smile: i want to see a baby sitting inside the compressor inlet.

god thats big. you’ll shoot your eye out kid!

The Siemens and Accels look like a bosch, I’m just thinking if your planning on upgrading why not get the 1200cc from rc.

Dual bosch 044 are the best bet for safe amount of fuel needed for 1000+ on your setup Bill.

8x 950cc with increased fuel pressure is about 500lph requirement of fuel at 90% duty cycle.

With 14volts-
dual intake 255hp walbros at 80psi flow 385lph
dual external 255hp walbros at 80 psi flow 458lph
dual bosch 044 at 80 psi flow 550lph

screw it…

if i get some crispy pistons out of the deal, ill get bigger pumps/injectors


thanks for the input though, i appreciate it :slight_smile: :tup:

No problem.