How the Big Boys Roll...

i was actually thinking about just taking a plasma cutter and just going NUTS

inside joke :picard:

oroc: :slight_smile:

I like I like… :slight_smile: probly really complicates things though and you’d probly need an after market comp like BS3 for that right? I’ll have to look into it more… I like INTMD8s setup from Speed Inc, dual rails/injectors, 2nd set kicks in at full boost.

fockin eh…that thing is massive…dont suck up and small rodents in it lol. :tup:

gonna have mike make one, make one?



lol hahaha hehehe hohoho piss off :stuck_out_tongue:

fastmofo, you gonna race me this year? :slight_smile:


Your car looks awesome!

sure i’ll race ya, race ya

you’re gona lose, lose :slight_smile:

wtf is the point, youre both gonna smoke the tires till 130


toad are you moving back to buff


maybe in 2-3 years, but that’s pending a lot of other stuff happening

so havent had a chance to post but i want to watch the ninja turtles movie. screw the turbo


turbo is now sitting in it’s final resting place. clearances are, well, TIGHT! its a beautiful thing. so much to do, yet

niceeee… got some work done this weekend!

yup. pretty much the hardest/most frustrating part. plus i ditched a lot of what you saw last week. the driver side is the same basic design, but mostly a new section now. the pass side might be getting replaced with longer/cleaner sections of pipe. but for now its supporting the turbo, which i need so i can fab up the rest of it.

i’ve changed my mind about the final welds too. i learned how to tig the night you were there, and structurally can do a pretty decent bead, but cosmetically i want it to look A++, so I’m going to have my pal Jay Vitez do it, which will set me back timewise, but ill kick myself later if i halfass it.

i can’t wait for summer, this is gonna rock

yeah no rush… sadly we have lotssss of time to go

well, it gets here before you know it, and i still have A LOT of work to do. there’s so many odds and ends when you do everything from scratch like this, time ticks away fast. plus with my stupid school schedule, ill be working fulltime then watching classes at night. so i only really have weekends to fully dedicate.