how to bankrupt entire city...surrounding towns

ok so i was at court the other day in O.P…and i was thinking…if its possible…everyone stop speeding for 2 whole months… and on top of that wear ur seatbelt…dont run lights and no cell phone while driving…If cops cannot give out tickets for 2 whole months in the entire south towns, i bet you would ssee these towns in serious trouble. I know police say dont speed cuz its a saftey thing…hthey dont give a shit…the reason for tickets are for the town to make extra money.
whats your guys insight?>

that would be impossible to pull off

maybe we should all stop driving too, for just 2 months. Thay way we can kill two birds with one stone. No tickets and the “no gas purchases” protest. Gas will surely drop down to $1.25 again.

you should start by spray painting this proposal on all overpasses.

i never said it was do able butits something to think about

The only problem I see with your theory is that you don’t have to do anything wrong to get a ticket.

What would be the purpose of your theory? Everybody knows and the towns readily admit that tickets are a source of income. Are you trying to get taxes to go up or services to go down?

If I could pay a speed tax that would allow me to speed, I would pay it but charging me to not speed is BS.

^What if they just sort of itemized it, like you could speed but you would have to pay each time. They could give out some sort of speeding “ticket.”

That would be great AND they would make even more money in the process.
I don’t mind paying, I just hate being treated as a danger to society when I’m going 75mph in my Evo on 219.
That is just retarded.
It just gives insurance companies an excuse to rape people even more.

less crime = less officers = less needed revenue for the town = a wash

Sorry. Your theory wouldn’t bankrupt a town, just put some police officers out of work.

If they stopped giving out speeding tix…there would be a huge rise in other revenue tickets…tires…no front plate…tint…turn signals…stop signs would be monitored for the “full stop” You cant beat the law…ever…so learn to accept it.

since your such a DIY, i think you should and i can hold the rope while you piant it… just let me know where the keys to your car are before hand.

Sounds like a gas boycot type scenario. And we all know how well those work.

i know, i love these threads. we should have a special section devoted to ‘Anything In Here Will Make You Want the Time Spent Reading Back’

I wouldn’t even care about the fine for speeding if it was just the fine and it’s done with. I took my chances by speeding, you caught me, I pay for my crime, life goes on. It’s getting raped by the insurance company for 3 years that really sucks.

haha exactly. so true

We do, it’s called “Off Topic” :rofl: