Beat speeding tix?

Anybody ever purchase this or have any opinions about it?

I figure for $30 what do i have to lose, hell even the nys surcharge is $85 now :banghead:

found this one too

Eh, lemme know how it works out for ya. i had a book sort of like this one based off of Ontario traffic laws. ill see if i can dig it up for comparison. if memory serves it had some great info in it, though i never did get a chance to use it.

i just figure for the price why not

“license n’ reg and step outta the car, you carrying a weapon? I already know alotta you are”

Agreed. i wonder how well those radar/laser jamers that they advertise on the radio work

A parking ticket is not a speeding ticket

i say we all chip in on this book and some 1 scans from there computer to a thred so we all can read?

you cant beat speeding tickets in ny.Only reduced.

don’t speed?

I feel like this has to be leaked out there somewhere

disagree x3…

Eat me!!.

Everyone is a saint on that topic and passes judgement on speeders at will untill they get a ticket. Than they quietly pay the ticket and keep on trucking.

Dont give me that “dont speed” shit. everyone speeds and thats what law enforcement cashes in on.

sometimes i forget im on nySPEED

lol if your going to do it, then be prepared to pay for it. Trust me, i know from experience.

You will never beat the law, no matter what you do and what kind of devices say they can prevent it. They arent going anywhere and your not going to stop them.

Sorry C jr. Speeding is somewhat of a sore subject for me. i dont mind getting tickets when im actually speeding but i have been issued quite a few when i in fact i wasnt speeding . i will refrain from poluting this thread further.

BobbyG. im not trying to stop anybody or anything. i am aware that there are consequences for everything. It is a little frustrating that speeders are considered such a huge menace on the road, when in fact there are a ton of other factors that contribute to more accidents that speeding.

So I walked into the courtroom with my pimp-cane and animal fur coat. The Judge was a MILF lookin’ all fine and shit, I walked up to her pushing the prosecutor aside. And I’m like “Yo, baby how about we blow this joint and we motion for some indecent exposure, with a side of <SECRET> together!”
she’s like “Motion approved.” and then we leave everyone behind in the the court room scratching their heads for the rest of the day.

Thanks to case dismissed, I not only got out of my speeding ticket but I also got a steak and a blow job. This was the best day ever there were like rainbows and butterflies and all kinds of faggy shit!

Did I mention my inherent distrust of sites that look like they were designed by 3rd graders.

you fucking quoted it wrong :picard:

Strong instincts you have.

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^^depending on the judge and what the ticket was, there is chance to get it thrown out. i got a ticket a while back for doing 41 in a 30, i had a few letters of good will i guess you would call them, written up by my boss and two of my dads friends that are like “family” who were retired officers in navy and marines. was city of lkpt that i got the ticket at, spoke with the judge gave him the letters asking to read them, he told me hes never seen anyone so well prepared for a traffic ticket, thanked me, and dropped the ticket. helped that my boss gave him deals when he rented stuff at work too though. worth a shot though…also if theres a misprint of your plate number or bad desription of your vehicle, dont bother trying to get out of the ticket that way, i tried it it didnt work. if the cop is at the courthouse theyll tell you he can just write another one instead.

That’s exactly what they’re banking on. That, and the fact that when it doesn’t work their refund policies will be so complicated and their communication so poor that you’ll just forget about it.

Lots of people on here have paid lawyers 100’s of dollars for their speeding tickets only to get reductions. Do you really think some $30 book is going to know some legal secret all these lawyers don’t? Why wouldn’t the lawyers buy the book and just use it’s secret for their clients? A lawyer who could get tickets dropped completely instead of reductions and traffic school would be highly marketable.

I own one of those books, I lent it out to a friend, and have yet to get it back though. It was a good read, i’ve gone 22 stops since jan 07 and havent been given any tickets (minus a ticket for a friends car not being insured or having legal tint. <3 jay.)