Banning Bashers!!

LMAO, things you don’t have/can’t afford hence others don’t need. Btw, I don’t go to the meets no more, what’s there to see, it’s true some people just want to show off. I kept my low profile and that was that when I came to the meets, met people and saw the other cars so definetely don’t include me in that package of people who do things to their cars to ‘show off’ include yourself in it as you go there.

It’s not even about buying cheap shit or fake shit or anything like that. The mentality on son now is if you buy good shit then that’s all that matters.

Don’t worry you’ll have the money some day to show off at SON meets.

Half the people on this site want 300whp and more than half of them want an rb25, rb26 and 400whp just to show off at a meet.

Random blaber to make post more legitimate.

I think it’s a waste of money getting full multilink and brakes if you don’t even plan on bringing your car to the track.

Random blaber, you can’t afford it mr Championship race car driver of SON meets.

At least getting a stock SR or something is somewhat fun since you can boost it on the street. However, you will find yourself speeding a lot of the time if you don’t pay attention to the speedo.

lmao, just because you have it and therefore its something fun or a somewhat thing to have on the street. So others should do it too cause it’s so cool to go pshhhht loudly across the street to give hard ons especially at SON meets.

Stop getting 8 pot brakes if you don’t bring your car to the track. Stop being an Ahmed.

More random blabber. Who gets 8 pot brakes? What? Stop getting STOCK brakes from japanese JUNKYARDS. No body gets 8 pot brakes except the likes of modified lambos, porsches and ferraris (believe it or not) and the veyron. Oh and the KTS 8 pot calipers which i’ve only heard of being installed on one of the vendors on son’s cars. Never from anyone else.

BTW from actual brake upgrades which give more torque, better cooling, less fade, less unsprung weight, better construction, etc… has its purposes whether you drive it on track or street, alas its definetely not for SON meets or even unfortunately.

I think this is going to be my new saying, I will no longer use the word “ricer”. “Ahmed” will be my new saying.

You made a funny funny marky. Things you do not have on your car and that someone else might you consider ‘not necessary’. That does not make someone else’s car ‘rice’ (or lawl lawl as you would say ahmed) if they have those ‘unecessary things’. Likewise things you have are not automatically ‘baller’ (oh so hot n sexy BALLER BALLER) and that others must get it to be so baller. What a sore loser mentality.

Rice by definition are things that are COMPLETELY non-functional on a car, eg:

Why bother owning a car, if, apparently owning what you own is meant for showing off at car meets. I don’t show up to car meets as there’s nothing to do there lol, it’s just then for showing off. I just enjoy driving my car for myself not for others. So keep PSHHHTing to and from meets marky because quite frankly then that’s where you belong.

Btw I do not consider my threads stupid, in fact they contribute to the lack of intelligent discussions on this forum. The real bashers are those who don’t know shit and just talk shit to others and about others all the time. Perfect example being solarian, fob/mark, and a select few ‘elitists’ on here, who think they’re the shit.

Every other thread turns into a “OMG YOU IDIOT”, “YOU STUPID STUPID YOU ASKED WHAT”, “NO YOU’RE WRONG CAUSE I SAY SO”, “WHATS THIS? OMG, YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING”, “Oh you don’t need this cause I know best”. “PSHHT ITLL NEVER WORK YOU WILL FAIL”, “YOU SUCK” Whatever man.

Just cause the community has built up over time by a few people on it who think they’re the elite now and who think they can boss around the forum or talk shit around the forum, doesn’t mean anything, except there’s too many self-infalted egos on here. The forum is not being constructive or productive. When ideas or questions are asked people are not suppose to bash or lash out or mock. What the hell is that?

The whole point of a forum theoretically is for a group of people to come together and share ideas, thoughts, projects, possibilities, work, whatever. Constructively, productively, critically, kindly, politely for the better of the whole.

The problem with this forum is the elitism and idioticy of a select few member like fobwall/mark who have a little too much energy boost in them.

I am building up a project plan for the next phase of my car. I don’t intend to share it actually, as it’ll lead to more lawling. It’ll take me about 4 years or so, as I’m not a rich daddy’s son nor earning 100k a year at my job, but every bit I do to my car is for myself and not for others to drool over or impress or to show off with.

Yeah you may laugh that I intend to run 275 wide tires, lol I just pulled an ‘ahmed’, but… i have a relative idea and goal with my car, which highly differs from your aspirations and goals, or perhaps most others on this forum. How I go about with all of that is my personal business, just as your PSHHTing is your personal business, but only difference is I don’t make it such a big deal, nor do I PSHHT show off or better yet, mock others continually.