how to buy a racecar from Canada?

If I wanted to buy a racecar (non street legal, caged etc) from Canada that has no title and a canadian VIN. how do I want to get it back to the US?


My Dad struggled trying to buy a Type R from Canada that was a racecar. He got to the border, huge hassle, blacklisted him and the car from coming across because of title issues. Be careful how you do it, I’m sure there is a proper way to do it, but he didn’t know it and failed to get the car.

So I know a “U.S. guy” that allegedly may have sold an untitled car to a Canadian.

Allegedly the U.S. guy trailered the car to Canada, U.S. guy told Canadian border agents that he was going racing, delivered the car to the Canadian, transfered cash, and drove back with an empty trailer. U.S. border agents asked what’s up with the empty trailer. U.S. guy said “I’m splitting a race season with a friend in Canada”.

Place the risk on the seller, have them deliver.

@bing might be able to shed some light.

ha, solid social engineering. could always tell them you wrecked it and were unable to move it/get it on the trailer.

I thought of that one…

well all of this is moot because the car just sold

this is an importing question. if the car is less than 25 years old you may have issues and are best to ask @XwalkerX or @Minglor

as for buying anything in Canada. it is just like in the US where you exchange the item for monetary instruments.

there’s some weird stuff for race cars I found… if it was built by the manufacturer as a race car then it’s not bad. if it was build by just some shop then you have return it or destroy it after 5 years… I assume most people just lie.

Start from scratch? There is a stock one on CL for $500. Probably can’t build it for bear $4k though.

Any links to what you’ve found on the 5 year thing?

that car represented a $9k value to us between all hte parts and cage ready to go