how to create playlist on PC from iPod?

you can look at the music on the ipod by viewing hidden files… but they are labeled

01 02 03 04 05 06 …

and the music files contained in there range from 1o21vbd1p to o4bu1ub
i really don’t know if there is an Application for this… or if there is an naming scheme/ order for this…

i guess if you know what was put on your ipod first you could start with that saying

britney spears cd track numbers 1-10 were put on the ipod first so one would assume that the folder 01 (there may be an 00, i’m at work and don’t have my ipod near me) arrange the files by date and go from there…

again if i had my ipod i would gladly find a solution… but . it looks like if that works you are gonna have to rename the files your self… or if its just an audio cd who gives a fuck its 15 songs just remember whats on there