How to destroy your car

just reposting from another board funny shiet

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:17 am Post subject: I’ve never seen this happen!

\Went up to Commerce last night to make some runs in my buddies 240. Made a few “soft” runs, then decided to air down the tires and really leave on it. So I dump the clutch at 6400 rpms with around 20 psi of boost on 26x10 MT drags, and a HUGE boom! I busted the tranny (second time in 3 weeks), but heres the weird part, apparently it sent a big shock wave through the car or something because it blew both the freaking air bags out! And the airbags managed to break the windsheild, rip a big hole down the passenger side dash, obviously destroy the steering wheel, and slung out most of the ac vents and crap in the center console. I wish I could have seen it from the stands! And man do those things stink, and I think I inhaled a bunch of that dust because I’m talking like I have a cold now. But anyway, has anyone ever heard of or witnessed this, I haven’t! How hard are you guys leaving? 2-steps? I keep breaking trannies when I leave HARD, broke the output shaft 2 weeks ago and now it seems maybe the same thing again. It’s a 95 with the stock KA tranny I keep tearing up, any ideas?

KA trans… umm ya.

What does he expect with big ass slisks. Kinds funny about the bags deploying :stuck_out_tongue:

“6400 rpms with around 20 psi of boost on 26x10 MT drags”

what happend does not suprise me by the sounds of that lol

20psi on launch?

haha thats funny though, he’s lucky the airbag didn’t break his nose :slight_smile:

Hurray for 2 steps building boost, and slicks to put every pound of that on the ground…

lol, 6400, nice, 20 psi, even better. :partyman:

that car got PWNED good and to think he was just doing some runs LOL …ppl are idiotic

Airbags are lame, those are the first things I’d take out. I’d rather die than have my life saved by an airbag.

hahaha nice post christian …

thats kinda retarded… :rolleyes:

I dunno, with the busted windshield, a bird might fly by and hit you Fabio style :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t clutch dumping always bad? I thought burnouts always involved the parking brake somehow…

Whats up with the bumping of old threads man?