how to fight das boooot

dont know how someone missed this gem… its apparently making it to all of the forums out there

HOA member pwns parking co after they start egregiously booting/towing his and other residents’ cars…880087&page=51

I just started reading the summaries on pg 51 and 52. Apparently the cliff notes are:

The summary of the story:

Guy in AZ is part of a Home Owners Association, with strict parking rules requiring a parking tag, enacted long after he moved in. Guy forgets on ONE occasion to put up the parking tag on his Audi.

Contracted parking enforcement company boots the car, even though they know the guy is a resident and has a tag. Guy puts dollies underneath his booted car to move it into his garage (and uses a different car in the mean time), severely pissing off Arizona Parking Solutions (APS). APS threatens to take him to court, claim he is stealing the boots, and threaten him some more.

Cops get involved, and side with the car owner, saying he isn’t breaking any laws. and tells APS to take their boots off the guys car and GTFO. APS rants and raves, owner of said company is on the verge of physically assaulting car owner.

Home Owners Assoc (HOA) gets involved, and appears to be siding with car owner, and apparently it is discovered APS is breaking its own rules. APS also decides to go out and boot multiple cars for no apparent reason, in retaliation.

Hilarity has been ensuing for about 40 (now 50+) pages now. The screen name of the main character/car owner/bootee is The A1 and A2 German. If you want, just scroll through for his posts for the updates and pictures. If you haven’t read this a;ready and have some extra time, enjoy! Photo-chops will begin soon…

like I said though, all you have to do is scroll midways down the 51st page and someone was nice enough to post all of the OP’s posts in one spot. no sifting through bs comments needed… I even gave you the guy’s name so you could just search for his name to find the start of the synopsis

isnt this a repost?

Yes, it’s in gen auto.


it might be, i cant get onto here at work so i miss out on threads, i did a quick look down of the off topic and didnt see it. i figured somone woulda posted this up by now

edit: ahhh ok, i figured it woulda been here if it was posted. oh well, still funny

i believed ya when you said it was in gen auto… lol

I was providing the link since it was a few pages back.