Tales of the booted Audi...

Saw this online (and didn’t see it here), thought I’d pass this on:



  1. Man lives in gated community with Homeowners Association
  2. HOA contracts parking company (APS) to “police” parking
  3. Man forgets to put up his hang tag
  4. APS boots car for parking violation, in his driveway; demands $140 fee to remove
  5. Man calls police, moves car into garage.
  6. APS eventually removes boots, man has yet to pay fee, but his hang tags are “revoked”.

More to come…

Those boots would have been returned in many, many pieces.

gotta love those rent-a-cops.:roll2:

“his neighbors are now being terrorized by these boot police who are hell bent on revenge.”

He should sue for damage to rims! hahaha

just read the entire thread, good stuff in there.

wow. thats pretty funny. talk about stickin it to the man! lol

That thread is awesome. I can’t for the life of me figure out why people would buy a home in a neighborhood with a HOA. Nothing like spending several hundred K on a house and the biggest assholes in the neighborhood get to make your decisions for you. Most towns have laws to keep neighborhoods looking good anyway.

What’s buffalos excuse? LOL

i cant wait to see how it turns out.Good read

They do they just dont enforce them… like most laws in buffalo…

land lord got a notice about peeling paint and trash on the side of his house…

Unfortunately for this guy the HOA was created 1 year after he bought his house and he apparently had no say against it.

Love this part:

So 7:30 P.M. rolls around and they call me to see if I’m home, tell them I’m in traffic, got home @ 7:45 and they showed up.

4 APS Patrol cars and the Sheriff pull up to my open garage, 5 APS officers and the head Schmuck.

(The before happening occurred over 2 hours .)

-Hello, you guys want your boots?

-Yes, that will be $140 to remove them.

-Naaaaaa, you can take them though.

-Your in possession of private property.

-You can take them, I’m not holding them.

-(The APS officers look at the Sheriff, the Sheriff looks back, and nods.) There’s nothing I can do, he’s not holding your property with out permission, he’s allowing you to take them.

-Well, his car is on private property, we do not operate on private property.

-(Me again) The entire complex is on private property, I’m granting you permission to entire my premises to remove your boots, do you want them?

-You have stolen our property.

-No, I called the Tempe Police, would you like the badge #? I’ve not only talked with 2 officers, but this was run by the Super Attendant, there is nothing illegal unless I damage the boots.

-(Sheriff nods)

-(Head schmuck)I am going to prosecute (gets on the phone, babbles away and away, a second in command starts taking pictures)

-He starts asking for my info, “Are you the home owner?”

-I could be

So he calls the local Tempe Town cops, officer shows up, APS gets to
him first, then the officer approaches me after hearing their story. I inform him, also inform of the phone call I’ve made requesting legalities from the Tempe Police Dept. He scratches his head, and says, well, “I going to have to call this one in.” I inform head Schmuck and the Tempe officer I have a meeting with the HOA President and HOA board on Tuesday to have this resolved. The officer informs me he’s like the badge # later, and mentions it will show grounds I had no intention to steal the boots, and it was also good you informed the APS I had the boots.

-(Head Schmuck) You going to be there?


-Good, because I’ll be there too.

-(Officer)So as this is not a theft my Supervisor has informed me to place this under Other Theft, in which it will go to City Prosecutors or get dropped, call this # on Monday 16th to see what happens. The APS Manager/Owner/Head Schmuck says he OWNS the parking passes and ALL passes associated with this address have now been revoked, if he sees your car you will be towed.

-(Another APS officer) Hey man, I have this ticket for you, I’ve put down that you are refusing to pay, I just need your signature.

I read it, above my signature it says, " Acceptance for services."

-Sorry man, I not going to sign it, you haven’t offered me a service.

-Oh man, we are just going to bill HOA.


-But you won’t get a bill


-(Officcr to APS Schmuck) So, he’s not holding your boots against will, do you want them back?

-Yes (they pull them off and go)

Officer gives me the Case # Info Card, tells me to call in Monday.

-So I won’t need that badge #, I’ve already called in Tempe Police Headquarters and we have you on record calling in. Any questions?


-Let me tell you something, they are pissed, really pissed off, I don’t know if you talked trash about his wife but he is angry! I mean, the guy is about to explode, and some thing about a picture you sent him.

-Oh, I didn’t send that

-You didn’t send that?

-No, it floating around on the Internet, someone else did that.

-So this is on the Internet.


-Any questions for me?

-No, thanx for everything


So this can go many ways, 1 through City Prosecutor’s or 2 through HOA and fines. I have won round one. I’m going to post not only a couple pics and the head Schmuck and possibly an alley for me sticking it to the man:

So I’ve thinking this over and maybe decided to go with it, I will not hold any one to this however if this really goes the distance and I loose I am possibly setting up a Paypal Donation Fight The Power Fund, $5, $10, $20 what ever you want. I will not send IMs asking and of the sort. I AM NOT ASKING FOR ANYTHING NOW. If this doesn’t go City Prosecutors Monday, I also have Tuesday with the HOA board to see what happens.

This is just an idea, and if you’d seriously like to contribute (upon seeing documentation, etc of the sort), along with your comments place a to tell me you’d be in favor. Once again, I’m not going to hold you to it, but if it comes down to it, I could be out some serious coin.


I hope he wins!

That’s whole concept of booting cars on private property and using parking passes hurts my head. I hope the guy win’s and the owner of the booting company dies in a fire.

in on the first page

Haha, awesome.

Just read a lot of it. Wow.
Traumadog, add nyspeed to the list of sites.

Speaking of HOA (home owner’s association)…

I know a guy that lives in a very upscale OP neighborhood and he owns a boat.
A big boat with 2 1000hp engines!
Anyway, he had to park it in his driveway for a bit and the HOA sent him a letter
saying remove that monstrosity from your driveway!
I guess they got really pissed when he started the engines in the driveway.
Keep in mind it has two 1000hp engines.:eekdance::lol:

They now have served him.
He has to go to court because he didn’t pay a fine.
The problem is, he never received a citation, just a warning.
This could get pretty funny too.

He should start it up again at 3am and rev the shit out of it.

MOST places like that IE: independance,OP…deer field,hamburg ect… You can’t have a boat, or any type of RV in your driveway…including class A’s which are more expensive than some houses in the development. haha

I know, he just had to put it there “temporarily” because his storage building was sold.
I guess they have zero tolerance.