Illegal Parking Bi-law

Hey i got a notification saying I cant park my car on my lawn because its not a properly constructed driveway. So we went and bought all the material and stones to construct a stone drive way. Came out to about 500 bucks to get it done.

The guy comes back 1 week later and says i have to move my car becuase the car isnt insured for the road. So when I told the city official (mississauga btw) what if I park my other car there that is insured for the road. the dude said no, because your drive way is too big.

He said it cant be more than 50% of your lawn. We wanted to remove all of the lawn and make a deck in the front that expanded out, and the rest would be a Drive way, so we can fit 4 cars and 1 in the garage.

I think this guys full of shit, and only coming because our new neighbor is complainings, I have high suspicion cuz of him. I parked my car their for 1 year and a half with no complaints or problems, buddy moves in and now we got problems. Anyone can help with some advice? I dont get it, its our ****in property. Hes given me 30 days to move my car.

well in Brampton, the by law is you have to maintain 40% of the lawn, at least. Its for water drainage issues. In your case 50% doesn’t seem far off. So i wouldn’t think the city official is bs, but your neighbor might be the reason they came by.


I’d go over there and give your neighbor a nice, but stern talking to. (Tell him to fuck off with the complaints)

$50 + a pack of smokes and i’ll make your neighbour troubles disapear

^^^ careful i might just take you up for that ahahah, no false promises now

I can see why your neighbor would complain if you have cars parked on the lawn. It is a bit of an eyesore to see a house with cars on the grass regularly.

well we have no choice, everyone needs their car for work or school, we tried parking on the street got tickets, you cant park on the half driveway because its not our property its the city’s and now they say we cant properly construct a addition to our driveway so we wouldnt have to park on the grass? like wtf? so whats the option? move? total bs

if you could make the backyard your drive way;) hahah jks

^ sounds like an opinion for japdrifter at the moment

Not so jokes… lol. My dad and I have been contemplating the idea of making a mini parking lot in our backyard. Havnt looked much into laws yet though.

We’ve been parking half on/off our lawn overnights since they started handing out tickets for parking on the street almost everynight. Havnt got bothered about it, but we park it there as late as possible and its gone before 8 in the morning.

what we did, was build a really long curb onto our grass, like 2 feet probably, and because of that we can fit 4 cars on a driveway at night, its a pain to move them all when i wanna get my car outta the garage, but it works.

i would always fuck up something on there car for that shit!
my dad is a truck driver and he brought his truck home to do some work on it ( the trailer was left in a parking lot) never an issue till new ppl moved beside us. since our driveway was long enough to fit the truck by-law and nothing to say and left.
we made there life a living hell, they moved 3 months later!!

I would cut all sorts of wires on their car at night to ensure it has to go dealer and them get shafted


Fuck, parking issues make me mad.

I can’t afford parking at York, its like $500 per semester… so I have to stalk the parking enforcer and park in a line of cars that were JUST chalked, so it gives me a 6 hour time period to return to the car, since the parking time limit is 3 hrs. lol

I FUCKIN HATE those nothing better to do neighbours. Keep an eye out if they slip up and leave their car on the road one night call the parking patrol RIGHT AWAY!!

Oh and by the way its By-Law :stuck_out_tongue:

toronto parking site has a pic of my house as an example of what to do lol. i found it funny seeing it on the site lol


that’s fucked up, but hilarious.

tell your neighbour to fuck off and find a reason to complain about him