City of Barrie, why?

FAG Neighbors, Fu<k You.

So, A few months ago, I quit smoking.  But I needed something to keep my mind off of smoking…and I don’t have a lot of money.  So I began looking for a good project vehicle to sink my teeth into.  Things that I had to keep in mind were that there was a limited spectrum of vehicles that I could actually have at my property, being as every time I tried to take on a project…unless it was plated and insured, the City of Barrie would waste no time in telling me I have X amount of time to have the vehicle removed from my property, or it would be towed by the City of Barrie and impounded/scrapped at my expense.  I checked the bylaws and it was fully within their rights to do so, thusly I complied.  Another thing to bear in mind is that I don’t have a garage, and I also have FAAAAAAG neighbors.  And so, a very good friend of mine, provided me with the means to facilitate my hobby… a 1989 240sx.  At the time I got it (2009) it was exactly 20 years old.  Perfect!  It was a match made in heaven, the motor and transmission were out of it, a perfect make work project.  So a few months go by, the car is in my driveway…tucked up beside the house, so as not to broadcast it’s presence to my fag neighbors.  The other day, my brother in law (who lives with us) had his stab links go on his truck.  So, I replaced these for him.  Had to use a grinder to get the old ones out.  Well didn’t that agitate my FAG neighbors, as I got a phone call from my little sister while I was in class “Eric, the City of Barrie lady said that by-law doesn’t apply to your car, and you have to remove it or else you’ll be fined”.  I was absolutely livid,…hell it’s 2 hours later and my eye is still twitching.    I even went through the trouble of printing off the bylaw of property standards, highlighting the relevant portions and taped it to the inside of the windshield.  The bylaw can be found here  This is not the first time this isht has been pulled, and I’m getting sick of it.  The guy up the street from me has a stock car in his driveway (that gets torn apart from time to time) and another guy down the street from me who has a sailboat and old bike in his backyard (which is plainly in view when you drive down the street) and those have been there for years!.  Just needed to vent, I think I might be close to done venting……..frakk!!!:bsflag:

Move outside of city. Problem solved.

find interesting way to get neighbours back…search through by-laws to find their infractions they are bound to have some…ruin their trees with coolant…harass them in multiple ways…dont get angry…get even …but im an asshole and this is just me

Trust me, if it were within my finical means to do so… I would in a heartbeat.

Go to school
Get a better job
Acquire more currency
Move out of city.

Until then, you have to play ball.

I also hate barrie for many reasons.

“Playing ball” I have no problem with, It’s the fact that they are directly contradicting their own bylaw to penalize me, that I have a problem with. I seem to be the only one in this end of Barrie who gets this treatment…and Im not overzealous to the point where it draws unnecessary attention. I just want to work on my car, like the other guys on my street who don’t get any flack from the city.

Burn down your neighbours house!

^ I like your style

Problem is, it’s the fault of these “FAG” neighbours. By Law officers don’t rooam the streets, they respond to calls/concerns.

Find some dirt on your neighbors…

burn down there house use there garage … i seen someone in a post using there neighbors garage because someone had burned down the house lol

True, it’s borderline harassment. Problem is that I cant find out WHO filed the complaint, and thusly I have no case. This thing with the City of Barrie happens about 4-5 times per year, from things like me trying to have a project car all the way to “the tire swing your little sister made looks like debris” which is complete BS. The FAG neighbors don’t have much in the way of dirt except for the fact that her daughters all have different fathers (3 I think). I would absolutely LOVE to charge them or legitimately be able to threaten them with harassment, but I just don’t know how I would go about proving it.

luke chueh… back to topic, i have the same problems… all these fuckin old people with nothing better to do then cause others misery!

[QUOTE=corpse;479099]luke chueh[QUOTE]

  • 1 to Corpse for actually knowing who Luke Chueh is

i hate barrie lol i got a ticket on a unassumed road whitch is NOT illigal. could it be that you have a motor in your trunk that they dont like? lol and yes i`ve been to your house you just dont know it lol and i was reading what you put in the windshield and your car seems to follow those guide lines

Haha, I thought you were asking why it exists, in which case I would’ve echoed your sentiments. Since you already live there (:(), all I can say is move out.

Bang all three daughters…???

P.S. Only if they’re of age…hehe

unassumed just means that they dont have to pay for any damages that happen to your car on that road. you can still get tickets.

Umm no, theyre about 12 lol