Gotta love bitchy neighbors.......

So i haven’t really looked at other towns, but West Seneca has this little law that states:

JUNK VEHICLE — Any vehicle, including a trailer, which is without a current inspection sticker, insurance, valid license plate or plates and/or is in either a rusted, wrecked, discarded, dismantled, partly dismantled, inoperative or in an abandoned condition.

and is also touched upon in another “code” as :
F.A junked vehicle may not be parked, stored or left in the open.

now yes, i can see why such a law is in place , so that people aren’t littering their lawn with old rusted out cars that they just collect with no real intentions of finishing them… and the law isn’t somthing thats actually inforced until someone complains about it.

So about a month ago my dad gets a court summons in the mail, about having “junk vehicles” on the property. He has my old Ford Probe that he was doing body work on, runs/drives and is all in one piece, sans the rear tails, and on the SIDE of the garage (which is concrete, its not sitting in the weeds etc) my dad has his old buick under a cover, not an eyesore by any means. The Probe was just taken to another relatives garage, so thast not an issue. So now my questions are, according to the exact wording of that law taken from the town code…

  1. how do they know its not registered (since obviously, its under a cover, they don’t even know WHAT car it is)
  2. how is that considered “out in the open”

Does anyone else agree? and is it somthing worth fighting? he has to go back to court this weekend, when he went in 2 weeks ago they told him that if the “junk vehicles” weren’t removed or in the garage that he’d be charged $50/day. Whats gonna happen to get the Buick in the garage, is my s14 will go outside, COVERED just like the Buick was, with plates on it. What the hell is the difference?

edit and 2 other random points… who complains about somthing like that in the dead of winter when its covered in snow anyways? and the judge is a huge prick, my dad asked to have till april 1st and the judge told him no :bloated:

i get the same shit.

this happened to me before too, I got a warning in the mail. I put a cover on the car which was my White civic which IMO was far from an eye sore. My dad went down to the town and said we put a cover on it.

Never had any complaints again.

usually they say that if it is for sale, that it is ok to have. So I slapped for sale signs on the sides of my cars and never had any further complaints. Maybe that is a possibility for you?

Which is why i don’t see the problem with what he has now. Shit just pisses me off doesn’t the town have more important things to worry about? I told him to try telling them that the one car is gone and bring a picture of the covered Buick and see what they say

Nope, they specifically said it doesn’t count if you put a for sale sign on it. Basically a bunch of houses on our block got these notices, one was some older lady up the street with an old lincoln, and i noticed the day we got that letter she had a for sale sign on it… its still sitting there and i doubt it’ll be moved by the weekend, curious what happens with that.

Best part is they won’t tell you who filed the complaint

werd, i am up in amherst so the rules are probably a little bit different. Its BS

under a cover makes it legal.
they cant summons you for a covered vehicle.
Also if you have the car on a registered trailor they cant touch it.
It happened to me before with my race car, sitting on the trailor infront of where I was saying.
They slapped a tow away on it, and we called it in.
They asked if the trailor was registered, We proved it was… the issue went away.
The town is just money hungry, slap some forsale signs on it.
Keep it covered.

glad my neighbors don’t do that shit…

that’s garbage jay. hope you get things settled in a positive way

my neighbors are assholes to i live on a main road and park around the corner in the first spot theres enough room for 4 cars but they park so only there 3 fit and leave the driveway empty. so whenever i park there they call the cops and try to get me a ticket for 24 hour parking and my tires get chalked, now i just move forward or back a foot so i dont get a ticket but what assholes neighbors can be

Just about every town has it, it’s just a matter of Assholes in your street calling to complain.


A guy in my old neighborhood kept getting the cops called on him (and everyone else on the block including myself) by some old shitbag for having an unregistered car. So he parked his huge registered trailer diagonally across the yard, and he will park the most haggard half-parted out cars on it. Problem solved. The code enforcement guy acknowledged that the guy was an asshole, and told me to cover my car. The problem went away.

BTW your neighbor needs to subscribe to a few dozen magazines this week, under the “pay later” option. :wink:

lol i live in west seneca i never had a problem with anything thats funny tho

all towns have this, its just a way to keep property values from falling and a way for them to make money

in florida in some neighborhoods you cant have a car more then a couple years old you also cant have open back trucks or vans its how they keep value up

I would take the mufflers off one of my cars and start them up at 11pm and rev them up for a while… daily

i understand that most towns have this, thats not my point of this thread :wink:

what i want to know is how is it any different for me to park my car, in the same exact spot his is in, with the same exact cover on it. and how do they even know whats under the cover in the first place.

its a law that is so loosely written that is bullshit

or mow your lawn daily lol.

Happened to me before as well, I had 7 cars in my yard at one point two years ago that I was selling. I however had neighbors who hated me for ripping my 4 wheeler down the street everyday.