well i just got a summons from the town of cheektowaga. I was unaware that i wasnt allowed to keep my car in my driveway unregistered. I called the town to try and get some more information about it. but nobody that was there knew what was allowed that i have to wait til thursday when the inspectors get back from a conference.
So am I allowed to just put a cover over it or does it have to go in a garage some where?
the lady said that they allow a blue tarp to cover motor homes but wasnt sure about autos.
if i’m allowed to cover it. am i allowed to take the cover off so i can work on it, then put it back over when i’m done.
She’s not SURE?? Tell them you’re not doing a single fucking thing until somebody gives you a definite answer on what the hell you are allowed to do and what you’re not.
I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to just cover it with a tarp or something like that, make sure it’s completely covered, nobody needs to know exactly what’s underneath it besides you anyways.
I used to live in Cheektowaga. Not Cool. Should be called “The Land of Nosey Neighbors”. I had the same problem. I put my car I had at the time back on the road, and the following winter put a car cover on it before I took the plates off. And if they can’t see if it is registered they have to assume it is. Otherwise PM me for storage options. I store a few NYSpeed members cars, clean dry indoor storage.
well i need to be able to work on my car thats why i wanted it here.
the land owner just brought over the notice. it says i have 7 days to take care of it from the 1/23… so i called the town back and she said she wrote it down for the inspectors to call me when they get back on thursday. after that they should give me a few more days to take care of it
Same thing happened to my girl in lancaster. She got a new car since her neon blew a head gasket. She put it at her house and you couldnt see it from the road unless you really looked. The car is now sitting in my garage doing nothing. :tdown: to nosey and shitty neighbors.
lol…my brother had kind of a similar issue…one of his friends mom let him park the Maxima on her lawn that had stones on it…and a neighbor called the cops and he was forced to move it because it wasnt on “stable” ground…car was completely registered and inspected and insured too…i would move it around turn it around then cover it…
While those laws get annoying sometimes, without them neighborhoods have no recourse against the jackass who wants to have some 1/2 torn apart camaro sitting on blocks in his driveway while the earth slowly reclaims it as rust.
I would wait and see what the inspector has to say about a tarp. It may turn out that now that they know the car isn’t registered a tarp isn’t going to solve your problem. Had you tarped it originally I doubt the inspector would have any legal grounds for peaking under the tarp to see if the car has plates.
they have this law in buffalo as well. Thank the lord I have a 4 car garage in my backyard. hell I can park 3 cars behind my house and they cant be seen from the st. my buddy use to just take the plates off and put a garbage can in front of the plate location. Thats gay you cant have whatever u want in your own yard if u rent or own the place
cheektovegas is the land of nozy neighboors. they should add that motto to the town signs.
My friend got a summons for parking his car on his grass overnight after washing it on a saturday afternoon.
these things only pop up if someone reports it. like any zoneing violation. quick fix get to autozone and pickup a cheap fitting car cover. will look a lot less ghetto than the flapping blue tarp which will do wonders for your paint anyway. Storing your car on your own property shouldnt be a crime. but there is these laws for a reason. RV’s snowmobile trailers & the like are a different thing altogether.
your towns website should have the zoning laws online and easilly available. or the town hall should be able to clear things up for you if you pay them a visit.
I dont see what the big deal is.If its my stuff i should be able to put it where ever i want.I live out in pendelton though so houses arent to close as in cheektowaga .All the cars are on the driveway in a neatly parked manner as well
I got some of those when i lived on GI for our race/enduro car. the fix there was as long as it was covered it was ok. we did the blue tarp thing and never heard about it again
I have a neighbor 2 blocks away that will put in 35 complaints at a time to the code enforcement guy. Thats a lot of work for someone who is now handling all of the town and village, so he’s really cool about letting you know how to get around the rules. I have covered cars before, or put a for sale sign on them. I never hear from them again. I have 2 unregistered cars in my driveway now, and I just slap some old plates on them.
I got a call from an inspector… not good. Basically summing it up, Cheektowaga sucks balls. He said, the cops get paid to just go out and patrol to find cars that dont have reg. and that I cant put it under a tarp either. Theres a law about that too. Because I asked him what if I had it under a tarp to begin with. he said that’s not allowed either unless its registered etc. He said he has a “tarp complaint” for someone.
So I have 10 to get my car out of my driveway. I would have show proof of registration, insureance and inspection if I want to keep it there. But its kind of hard to get an inspection without a motor.
So anyone know of any cheap/free places to store my car, where I can work on my car. (unless i rush and get the motor in this weekend)
I’m going to try and talk to my dad first, but I dont think he’s going to want to give up his garage. He likes not having to brush off his truck in the morning.