unregistered cars in amherst

Ive seen in a few other threads that some towns will let you by with just a car cover, does anyone know if this works for amherst as well?

technically it works anywhere, how can they say tis unregistered if its covered?

because I already got a summons for it and they will come back for a follow up. on the summons, covering with a car cover is not even an option. im wondering if they ommited it to try to brush that possiblility under the rug or if its really still illegal in amherst

I think this should be faught, its a stupid law and the fact that a cover isn’t sufficent is even worse. Noone can tell if its registered with the cover over it.

in amherst, you just need a for sale sign, and for it to not be in pieces.

No it’s not a dumb law.
It keeps people from having $200 cars litter their lawn and make an eyesore for everyone else.

It’s a law that protects the property values of the surrounding houses so that one redneck shithead in a nice area doesn’t ruin a neighborhood and thus everyone else’s investments. The nicer the neighborhood the stricter the laws. There are communities that don’t let you leave your car outside of the garage overnight, paint your house/deck certain colors, etc.

It’s just kind of a bitch for someone who isn’t shitting up the neighborhood but has busybody neighbors, which I’m sure is the case for the OP.

its a black on black 98 passat, not in pieces. I was planning on selling it but I guess that needs to happen even faster now…

just put a for sale sign on it. It doesn’t actually have to be for sale lol. I did it for a while.

lol, thats awesome

meh this is stupid.
Neighbors Loud obnoxious barking dog is Worse then an unregistered car.
100 times out of 100 Id buy a house where a nieghbor had a project car, before I’d buy a house where a nieghbors dog barking makes me want to get the 12 gauge out.

Kenmore has a similar law. It cant be seen from the road if unregistered.

the problem is that I already have recieved a summons that says if its not inside or gone in 14 days they will tow it. I have no problem putting a for sale sign on it but I dont want it towed either

just move it and put a car cover on it, then they cant say anything.
Then tack a forsale sign to the cover for good messure.
It could be your brand new car, or your wifes car anything under the cover, they cant touch it.

They put a tow away summons on my race car sitting on a registered trailor. They will put those notices on everything trying to make a buck.

I guess thats whats going to happen, I really dont see why they wont let me have a decent looking car in my driveway with no plates when the same car with a non fitted cheap cover would look horrible in comparison.

I guess ill try it and just hope it doesnt get towed