Gotta love bitchy neighbors.......

If one car(probe) is dismantled, unregistered and/or uncovered and you get a summons, what’s the big deal in covering it? Obviously they can’t do anything about the covered car so that has nothing to do with it, this is about the probe. I get this shit all the time too that’s why I keep all of my cars registered and insured or covered.

Or just take the muffler off the mower and part it close to their house with the throttle zip-tied halfway

When I lived in Cheektowaga I used to get the same shit. Fucking nosey neighbors. Get a life and stop watching mine. I love living in Tonawanda, my neighbors here a are also car enthusiast. Best neighbor I have ever had. Best of luck, hope the town doesn’t fuck you.

thats what i thought as well, he seems to recall the judge saying tho that it did not matter if a car was covered if it was unregistered. the probe isn’t on the property anymore tho, so we’ll see if thats what the main issue was like your thinking.

so you guys are pretty confident that as long as the buick is covered it shouldnt be an issue?

I can’t say for sure in your town but in my town, covered is legal no matter what it’s registration status.

what town are you in btw?

Yea West Seneca is horrible with that shit. I had my cabriolet outside in my driveway overnight, FOR ONE NIGHT, and i had a neighbor complain about it. It’s not registered, but i threw an old plate on their and it was 100% complete cosmetically. It was outside of the garage for less than 24hrs and someone complained about it. Shit pisses me off, and there’s really nothing you can do about it…

And yes, the judge is a prick in WS. :tdown:

I dont see how putting a cover on the car is going to make any difference.

they told me “out of sight its out of mind”

I understand your pain but i’ve seen the other end of the spectrum too and imo it is good that there are laws about this. I don’t think you guys are really in the wrong for anything, but especially in the city of tonawanda i’ve seen houses with 4-5 completely shot cars that obviously have no intention of moving anywhere ever, except at best a scrapyard. Makes the place look super shitty, and if that is next to your house, kinda makes your house shitty too.

if the shits covered, who cares, its not an eyesore… I just think that some people push it too far and I for one am glad they regulate it

take a shit on their lawn

When we lived in west seneca we parted out a car in the driveway.

My neighbor put his old california plates on the car, and it was parked way up in the driveway. It sat for a few months with no problems.

We later got a cover for it when it was totally dismantled (or the landlord was coming by)

Yep this is true. I’ve seen it in some places out in cali also. You aren’t allowed to own an open bed truck, or have a work van on your property unless someone is performing work on your house.

The laws in west seneca and other suburbs are on the books to keep assholes from putting 12 roach cars on their front lawn, hurting the property values of everyone on the street. Some of the houses I’ve seen in buffalo, and even in lockport are fucking eyesores with a dozen rusty buicks laid about the property

just to let u know this is not ur neighbors. west seneca is doing this to everyone my buddies just got a couple of notices just cause from west seneca. Just to let u know anyone can complain about your cars in the drive i can live 10 streets away from you and complain and u have to move the car. also the town inspectors can also complain cause they drive the neighborhoods sometimes to see if a neighborhood is looking crappy or not. luckly i live near a building inspector and my neighbors dont care.

edit* as far as the car it still considered an eyesore maybe not in other town but in west seneca, amherst i know for sure a car with no plate can not sit in ur driveway covered. now if it has plates on it thats a different story

I can certainly see both sides on this law. My neighbor picked up this POS 80’s crown vic with a blown engine thinking he was going to fix it and sell it for a profit (old people apparently don’t realize how old and worthless an 80’s crown vic is). That POS sat there in his driveway looking like ass for almost a year before he had it scrapped. When I walk my dog there is a house a couple streets over with some 60’s POS slowly returning to the earth in the form of rust in a guy’s driveway. No one wants to live next to stuff like that.

and that is what makes no sense. whats the difference of having a car outside covered with no plates, and one in the garage with plates… as opposed to one outside covered with plates, and one in the garage without plates :shrug:

I have no clue. The town really wants u to gave no cars outside with covers. As i was told if ur allowd to have a car sit in your driveway with a cover then all your neighbors shood be able to. Then if everyone is doing pretty soon the neighborhood is looking like crap because everyone has cars in there driveways with covers and that brings down property value. The town is just complaining now cause they need money or something cause they never use to complain as much as this year.

this law sucks and is stupid…unless ure house looks like a straight junk yard, it shouldnt really be enforced…cause not everyone is a car enthusiast and is going to haave cars their working on…so not everyone will have cars laying around…u kno…@ sorry to hear

pretty much…it really is for the people like to litter cars on their lawn and make things look bad…but if u are working on them or storing for the winter its just retarded to complain…also on a side note with the comment on FOR SALE signs…if u sell so many cars a year form personal property u can be forces to get a dealers license
