Gotta love bitchy neighbors.......

Suggestion=> “It’s one of them flaming bags of poop again!”


P.S. Hank is willing to donate to this activity. :wink:

seriously fuck them.I wake up and have to look at this everyday

what these pics don’t show is the abandoned aerostar and Toyota corolla behind the first creepy barn. oh and about 35 cats (literally) live in the one barn.When you complain they tell you for 45 dollars a cat they can have them removed.

When you complain they tell you for 45 dollars a cat they can have them removed.

.22 rounds are a lot cheaper. If that is too violent you could get those have a heart traps and relocate them to someone else’s property…


This is why I live in the sticks in an Ag zone… No one says shit…or cares!

plus where would u park your sno-cats

living in the sticks FTW.

So true. I’ve driven past the same totaled Blazer in a front yard in Eden since I started driving, so it’s been there at least for the better part of a decade.

ah eden i probably havent been there in 2 years. i mean with economic grow they have. 2 signal lights.

We got a visit from the Town of Tonawanda PD while our street was being repaved. We had to park off the street, so one of our cars was just barely blocking the sidewalk. The cop said they never bother anyone for that, unless they get a call. “Do any of your neighbors have a reason to dislike you?” Of course the cops can’t divulge who called them.

Then to try to make room in the driveway, I (knowing it wasn’t legal) would park my Jeep on the lawn next to my driveway. Got a letter for that, too.

Basically I complied because I completely understand how this is from the other point of view. I wouldn’t like seeing someone else do it, but I did it out of desperation!

thats ridiculous…