question about parking on your front lawn

what are the laws regarding this? can you legally park on your front lawn or no?

Where do you live?

Are you looking to park a car on the lawn for a couple of days or are you white trash?

I’m pretty sure you are not allowed to…at least in the city of Buffalo.

cheektavegas is the same as west seneca, no parking in your front yard or “set back” as they call it. I stick my one car on the side of my driveway from time to time part way on the grass and haven’t had a problem. but our white trash neighbors across the street park diagonally right in the front yard and it looks just fantastics…

you are def. not allowed to park on your lawn in buffalo, found that out the hard way haha. In Lancaster you can but they are still ignorant about it.

you can increase the width with an apron, someone down the street got a load of gravel so they could legally park all 4 or 5 POS cars that don’t run.

its in cheektowaga. well its the person across the street, they called my g.f’s car in for being parked on the street at night while they park their pick up truck on the front yard length ways taking the the whole lawn up. and looks god awful.

In the city of Buffalo you will get a ticket. The one we got was I think was around $55 but that was probably close to five years ago.

Ya you can NOT in the city. They write tickets all the time for it because the city is broke.

In the towns, you only can really get written up for it if someone in your neighborhood complains to the town from what I have seen.

If it’s in Cheektowaga, call the police station and ask them about this. I’d be willing to bet that they can’t park there.

Two years ago before my parents had their driveway done, we used to park a car next to the driveway for the last 20+ years (my parents had anyways).

About a month before the driveway was done, we had my truck parked on the lawn in front of the house next to the driveway, Sunday night and I have a ticket on my windshield.

Yea the city sucks, apparently its against the law.

I still have not figure out if it is illegal to park the opposite direction on the correct side of the street!

I used to park my jeep in the snow bank right at the curb to keep it off the street never got a ticket in ws not saying its right but yea

God, I am glad I don’t have to deal with this crap. I had aboot 25 cars in my driveway Saturday night. :smiley:

Depends… I live in West Seneca, and some people have replaced their front yard with pavement, and they park an extra car in front of the house.

i’m pretty sure it’s illegal here in rochester, but that’s where my 240 is staying all winter.

It is illegal in the City of Rochester. Roommate got a ticket for it. You can’t park ahead of the leading edge of your house. You also can’t park between the sidewalk and curb. I got a ticket for that one.

well what defines a driveway? Can you just throw a sheet of plywood on the grass and call it a driveway?

Same here, my lawn is my wash bay for wheelers trucks and tractor. I randomly dive off the road into my front long then proceed up tot he house.

I live off Elmwood in Buffalo and they write tickets for this all the time. You can’t block the sidewalk with a car. You need to pull it forward.