How to file a small claim lawsuit? [Car Title Situation]

This is what happened. I brought a car from someone on the board.
[05/02/06]He signed over the title but after going to the dmv i went to go register the car and the dmv associated said that the title is void because the owner named on the title was the one that was supposed to sign it. So a duplicate title had to be filed. So i called him told him the bad news…and said that he needs to get a duplicated title [this is 1week after i brought the car]
i gave him all the paperwork. so he filled it out and with a new duplicate title its a $20 charge. So he said i would have to pay for this…We go at it and im like im not paying for this because it wasnt my fault he signed his name instead of the orginial owner.
[its 2 weeks now 5/16/06] and i get all the paperwork back from him i go online and order the duplicate title and get it sent out
[the title was shipped out 5 /18/06 called him like 5 days later] asked if he got the title he said no…im like well call me back when u get it.
its now [6/01/06] still havent heard from him. called the dmv to see if the title was ever sent out they said it should have already arrived. so they said they would send another one just to be sure.
For the last 1 month i have been putting time and effort thinking this car would be register already. now i still dont have the car register and want my refund. if he doesnt give me the refund i plan on filing a lawsuit.

how would i go about filing a small claim lawsuit? where would i go?

Why don’t you just tell us who it is so we can go beat him/her up

Yeah spill the beans, who was it?

If the dude you bought the car from/signed the title wasn’t the name on the title, then who’s name was on it?

That sucks man :tdown:

are you 100% sure that the car itself is his?

LOL or atleast so we know who NOT to buy from

Can i make a guess…?

Because i’m pretty sure i know how it is but i dont want to get in trouble :slight_smile:

i work at a law firm if you want a name and number of someone to call who won’t rip you off? just pm me for details if you are interested :slight_smile:

you have to go downtown into the small claims office and file all the paperwork and then u will go to court…its a pain in the ass im still trying to get my 300 from this girl that screwed me…i think you have to pay like $15 to initially file a claim

also… i registered the bike in march… i JUST got the title 2 days ago… but what 02rsx said is right… like 15 bucks… go to the office downtown, file, and just wait for the hearing…

It was mike his sn is 02svtfocus on here. The title was in the name of the pervious owner and he never regstered or insured the car. I asked him to given me a refund and 250 of the total 650 I put into the car to settle it out of court but he told me the car was sold as is no warrenty implied…I told him this is not a warranty matter and that it was the title. And he never pm ed me back. Am I in the right to ask for the refund and some money I put into the car back if he can’t come up with the title?
Does anyone know the address of this small clains court?

get the dup title sent to your house not his.

trying to get your money back from small claims court…good luck cause they don’t inforce the other party to pay.

Go to the original owner and have them sign it. The addy is on the title dude.

should have just bought the g-wagon mang… that thing ran strong.

good luck.

that I’m not so sure about honeslty… you might be SOL with that one

but werd to kingsario comment… just do it yourself :tspry: as shitty as it is, sometimes you gotta do things yourself to get them done (even when you shouldnt have to)

the problem is the original owner doesnt want to sign it over because they thought that the guy who sold me the car has gotten into a accident while driving it around without insurance and registration.

ahhhh… gotcha

that sucks man, hope everything works out for ya

he doesnt want to refund me the money at all. i even try to work it out with him he doesnt seem to see where im coming from. i cant even register the car so it has been sitting around for 1 month and all i want is either the title or my dam money back

did you request that it be sent fast? (I think you can do it for an extra couple bucks)

I’ve waited up to a few months before to get a title from the state

The car has no visible sign of an accident because I didn’t get into an accident with the car. It sat in my driveway from August '05 until you bought it. Show me the police report with the date and time and I will show you my timeslips from work because I live at my job basically.

I work 60 hours a week and I didn’t answer the last PM last night because I went to sleep considering I work from 8am to 11pm on Fridays and the last PM was at about 3AM.

I told you the gentleman hasn’t contacted me yet about the new title but I will be going over there on Sunday to talk with him since I work from 10am to 11pm tommarow.

Apparently you don’t understand that I am trying to help you, because if I wasn’t I would tell you to go screw yourself and figure it out on your own, but no I went to the previous owner’s house to get a new title and paid the $20 fee.

I’m sure if you went over there yourself and explained the situation he would be more than happy to sign it over to you.

If I hadn’t had just paid over $1000 in bills for my mother I’d take the car back, but I don’t have the money. My house is for sale through my parents’ divorce agreement and I have to buy a vehicle and find a place to live soon and I’m still buried in school loans.

We can settle this rationally without trying to make a public mockery of me.