how to mod xbox 4 emulators

like it says…

I was at a friends house long time ago and he had his xbox done up so that it played every system with just about every game already preloaded… wondering if anyone has done that if they could help me out with the discs or the sites to go read up on it



anyone on the board ever do this … if so what program would you recc that you liked best

i force evox to fireup xbmc at boot up, and run emus from there

god, it’s been so long

do you know how to solder? I prefer modding with a chip over softmods. Altough, both methods will work.

I’m lazy… if you have everything already … can I toss you a few bucks to hook mine up??

I can solder but just lazy…

anyone wanna make a few bucks let me know

lol, you’re talking to the king of lazy

ha i know the feeling… what would it take for ya to become less lazy than I and help a brother out