Who can hack my og Xbox?

I want to be able to play all of the old nes/sega/snes/n64/playstation games on my og xbox if that’s possible. I would be willing to pay you.

Good god it’s been forever since I did mine. I have a 200gb drive in it with a mod chip and damn near every retro game known to man as well as 70ish xbox games.
I don’t think I recall how I got to that point though.

I’ll give you my Xbox + cash for it, boss

After the countless hours spent I will take this mofo down with me like the titanic. If you need roms once it’s modded though drop me a PM, I have countless games and emulators somewhere on my storage.

If you dont have any luck with the xbox,the wii can do all that.

Yeah, I have 4 controllers, and I know it can be done… Hopefully someone can help me out

I have CASH money I will be willing to pay you for this, I need something to do this winter ffs

Are you buying a hardware mod chip or are you going to software mod? Hell, do they even make hardware mod chips for these still?
I’m tempted to help you out but have other projects and know this would eat up a fair amount of time to recall how it’s done. haha

I have a og Xbox that is modded with a 80gb hdd. I’ll have to find it, I think it’s at my dads house in Eden, but I’d be possibly willing to trade of I can find it.

It’s software mod, it’s actually easy but a pita at the same time lol.

Just software mod it. It will be quick as hell. Go to EBgames or ebay and buy a memory card, action replay so you can copy PC files to your memory card, and then one of the 3 games: Meccassult, Splintercell 1, or 007 Agent Under Fire

You don’t need all of that for a software mod.

I wish I could remember the process, but I used to have a boot disc for a PC that would do the software mod. You just had to have a PC that you could pause the bootup on and be quick with swapping cables from the xbox to the PC.

Something like this:

  1. Start PC with boot disc in CD drive. Pause bios immediately.
  2. Start xbox, wait something like 10 seconds
  3. quickly pull the IDE cable from the xbox drive and plug into master on the PC
  4. resume bootup
    Drive is now unlocked and can be read from
    The rest of the process i can’t recall, you had to use the menu on the boot disc and do things in a specific order.


And just like that, google pulls through in the clutch


^^^ thats how I did mine but since the OP needed someone to do it, I didn’t think his PC skills were that complex.

Also, who the hell still has an IDE cable in their PC?

If you need something to do during winter Jam then work on your car!

I don’t know boxxa, it’s not really that hard. Maybe I am overestimating other people’s abilities though. Although, if you can wrap your head around working on cars and are generally handy, then I can’t imagine the process being that overwhelming.

lol good point on the IDE, although I THINK that most motherboards still come with a spot for an IDE.

Most mobo I’ve seen still have IDE, probably for people with old optical drives I suspect.
Computer skills and automotive skills rarely crossover in my experience. Everyone has their niche and that’s where there mind excels.

Well then, one of our local PC nerds should use the instructions I posted to hook Jam up.


Him. Cheap, professional, did mine a few months back. Top Notch.

Og=original not the new xbox

Reading is hard


Lol! :slight_smile: