XBOX mod Chip?

Well since my xbox live membership is over and i will soon have a xbox360, i would like to mod my old xbox so i can play 16bit sega, super nintendo, neogeo,and what ever it will be able to do ect…

What will i need as in good mod chip and harddrive? what will this cost and difficulty on install ?

Any feedback would be great! also can the chip emulate old arcade games like the simpsons or teh arcade Ninja turtles game (rember these great 4 player arcade games) ??

Thanks Jeremy

Buy the soderless adapter and whatever chip they say works with it, you should be fine no matter what generation xbox you have.

First you need to find out what version of the xbox you have before you can look for a chip…1.6 solderless chips are different than others

As for the other question, you will have to get the emulators or i suggest going on torrentspy and getting the 3000 games/emulation disk

with a switch its fine with live. just lock the new drive and switch off the mod chip.

even for a noob the install shouldnt take more than an hour or so

torrentspy? how do i get these to work ? (i’m a computer Noob) just download, put to disk and…

basically, i think that emu disk comes in iso form, so just burn it to dvd

thats what i got, nice chip

werd, i love mine

Is the Xecuter is a soderless chip?

and i still dont understand how to get all the games :confused: all you need to know about everything

you have to download them, rent them, or find somebody to borrow them, then use XBMC to rip the game to the hard drive, if downloading them you have to use XISO to extract them, and then FTP the game into the xbox.

if you own the game you can buy a backup copy from for 5 dollars

I love this LOL

SoftMod FTW

Mine is softmodded and works flawlessly

mine is softmodded to and i love it that way, I don’t have a use for a bigger hard drive, just wanna play burned dvd’s

you can do that with a mod chip too, and still use live… FTW

he can play backups, dvds, and put every emu on the planet on oem hd with room to spare

i know…i’m just cheap

i dont wanna be advertising where i shouldnt, but if ur interested, i can do a mod without a chip for you and include lots of games and such…pm me if ur interested, all i will need is ur xbox and a hard drive(i can get u a hard drive but u will have to pay for it).

I’ve got tons of emus on the oem HD, soft modded, can play backups, use XBMC etc. Never had any desire to play live.

Softmod > Solder Chip > Solderless chip