How to mount tires...

Yeah they are quick!

+1 for grand premier.

amusing video for sure haha.

grand premier>*

unless you have bennyfizzle on the job, then bennyfizzle>*

Yeah no doubt! I was skeptical changing tires on my Work’s at the RPI shop, but they have nylon clamps and it ended up working out great!

Can someone explain the concept here? I’m curious.

Also, what kind of camera?

Filling a tire with the air chuck isn’t enough volume to inflate seat the bead since there is a gap between the bead and rim for air to escape. Using starter fluid and air, it creates enough pressure, fast enough, to expand the tire and seat the bead.

Camera is a Canon HF S200

you rang?

And boom goes the dynamite

oh yes. cant wait to see the edge of the wheel poking out.

you guys are all fucking ricers. put normal sized tires on your cars you piece of shit hipsters.

dont be mad that your "BALLER BBS RS’ " cant hold air.

shut your mouth, ricer.

come over here and make me lurch

says the kid with the bbs rs and stretched tires!

eat my pussy you bunch of ricers

215/40 on a 18x9.5"

no thanks, it’s probably bitter like your additude!

