How to 'murder out' your ride for just $120 - in your garage

nobody is gonna do that good of a job for that little. it takes a long time to wrap a whole car.

big off road bumpers wheels n tires??? think denooyer had it for sale over the summer

Theres a landscaping truck around that has a whole real tree camo vinyl wrap done to it so it can be done locally

it can be done locally, and done well (21 graphics), but if you call him up and want him to do it for 200 bucks even if you supplied your own material, i hope he would just hand up the phone on you and not respond. wrap jobs cost money. usually cheaper then a quality paint job, but not that cheap. you need to find a crack head that needs a fix and whos prior profession before being a crack head was doing wraps on cars.

Like I said, I was asking Adam (21 Graphics) about this like a week ago. You’re looking at 1500+ for something like that.

Who wants to try it? :ninja

im trying it right meow, why not wrap some shitty work trucks?

I’d do if for $200. I did Jclarks for a pizza and a few beers

fuck that just take it to Maaco instead and get the $400 Ambassador Special if thats still what theyre calling it

cause we know those look good and last, as long as you do all prep work yourself first which would take as long as you doing the wrap yourself…

Yea, the idea is it’s removable. :Idiots (Think commercial vehicles).

i wanna do this