How to prevent turbo from coming loose

my turbo bolts got loose on my manifold where it bolts up to the turbo this weekend…so
i took everything out bolted it together and put it back in…now about 4 days later its getting loose again…anything that can prevent this? i used lock washers and locktite but i didnt work…any suggestions?

wrong size?

you took the factory holding clip out and tossed it didnt you???

Looks like this. You need them!!! I did the same mistake you did 2 years ago.

noway those fuckin thing sux to try and tighten and to bend that plate out of the way…go to nissan and get leaded exhaust nuts…they come oval. when u thread them on the suck up tight!!! FTW indeed!!! those stupid bolts always come lloose…

ok ill try nissan…and that metal thing wasnt even there…all bolts came right out and only 1 was left lol…it happend when i drove to canmore last weekend…went to drive home in the morning and my turbo was making like a grinding noise when boosting…now its doing it again man it pisses me off i just pulled all the shit out 4 days ago and i gotta do it again lol

Tack the fuckers!! Im sure Phat240’s havent come loose since.

Just take regular nuts and hit them with a hammer to ovalize them a bit. And toss some red loc-tite on there. I had that problem last year with my wastegate and turbo, but this entire season it has been perfect. :tonqe:

Go to Nissan, get new studs, nuts and locking plates. Get a new gasket while you’re at it. Put it all together and have peice of mind that it’s not going to leak or come apart for another 10 years.

ummm red lock tite and lock washers for me…havent had a problem since.

I just used the ovaled nuts from nissan and lock plates. Coated the shit with copper anti-sieze and they never came loose on me. even through 2 years and an ovaled exhaust

i used loctite and lock washers. hasnt came loose yet. they are easy enough to get at with the new manifold that if they do come loose they wont be hard to to tighten again

lock tight doesnt do shit on those. Its all in the nut. The ovaled ones work awesome too and lock washers as well. But those plates from the factory work awesome in my opinion. I try to never throw those out. Once you tighten the nut and bend the plates on each side it is full proof.

Hammer ur nutzzz!! :lol: :lol:

can you buy those metal plates that go there…im suprised it did get loose becuase i used lock washer and locktite ( which didnt do shit i could see it all like melting away lol ) so im gonna give those studs from nissan a try…thanks guys!

Yep, ask for 300ZX (Z32) turbo locking plates and studs/nuts. You don’t have to do the studs, but I’m anal about stuff like that. Replace your gasket if its condition is questionable.

well when i pulled it all out 4 days ago the gasket looked perfect.nothing wrong with it at all…ill check it again hopefuly i didnt go on me lol

Umm the gakets is a crush seal. it is best to get a new one. i think they are about 14 dollars so so at nissan

So for getting the studs i would have to get a certain size right they arent all the same?
i have a megan mani so would the locking plate and studs/bolts be the same as the one
for the 300zx? also would i need to bring my mani in to size up a gasket for it? or again
are the manifold gaskets the same. Thanks for the help guys! :E

Yes you need the right size studs
Yes they are the same

Ok so i caled nissan…and the parts guy had no clue what i was talking about. lol
i asked for 300zx turbo locking plates and stud/bolts…then he started saying he needed
my serial ## for my car to get the right part blah blah…then i tried to explain my car wasnt a 300zx but i need a part from a 300 but he wouldnt let me do it and yea it got really confusing lol…any ideas for what i should say when i call?