How-to: remove exhaust manifold (SR)

alright, first of all, i feel your pain.

allright, here goes:

this is for changing the gasket between the turbo and the exhaust manifold. remove heatshield, intake tubes, and anything else that will be in your way. remove the nuts 1/2" from the mani. to turbo. there is a metal plate that prevents that, just keep at it and doing weird shit and it will come off eventually (4-6hours later) and you will not have to remove the turbo from the car. once these are removed (oh and dont strip them (2-4 hours of drilling and hammering) start on the nuts (14mm i believe) that hold the mani. to the block. there is also a washer that goes with it. once this is off … :x grab the turbo output and the manifold and pull and wiggle to get the studds from the block and the mani–>turbo out of the way. it will eventually go. once removed change gasket / gaskets. the installation is reverse of the removal.

estimated time (2-3 hours) <— no problems / snags
(1 week) <— if everything that could go bad goes bad!! :x :x :x


u know man… it only takes like 1 hour if you take it off the downpipe and the manifold… and pull it out as a unit… take the coolant/oil lines off the block…

may as well do an oil and coolant change while ur at it no? :lol: im sure you could put a banjo bolt back in a plug it…

the reason was because of the lack of tools, i didn’t even have jack stands with me, this was all done in the parking lot at my residence.

either way it did work, and i was weary about removing the oil lines.

took me around 6 hours to do everything
it will be much easier if you disconnect the turbo lines, there are only 4…

This is how i did it:

-remove hot pipe, and every single pipe that’s attatched to the turbo
-Take off the bolt from the dipping stick
-unbolt downpipe
-take off 2 lines that are attatched to the engine (careful, brass washers like to fly away)
-the last line at the back of the engine is a complete pain in the ass (especially if you have cp strut tower bars, which get in the way of ur hands all the time), but after 10 minutes of fighting with it, u should get it (all it is, is a hose and clamp)
-unbolt the manifold
-take off the hose at the bottom of the turbo (it’s easy to tkae it off just by pulling the turbo out)
-take the whole thing out
-replace ALL the gaskets (that’s what i did, even the manifold one)

  • bolt everything back the way u took it out :slight_smile:

it honestly took around 5-6 hours in total, except i was putting a Greddy turbo extension on, so it took me a bit longer, since i broke a stud…


^^^^^^^^ cool man!

this way people can decide either way, i’m sure yours was easier but i had to do mine in my residences parking lot so i couldn’t get under the car.

oh and i hear you with the CP strutbar! i installed mine, thankfully, afterwards.