K the search function here is gay. The more keywords I put in, the more results it brings up. WTF?
Anyways, I need to remove a quarter window from my parts car for a member here. Anyone know how to go about doing this without breaking the thing? I could only see 1 freakin nut on the inside of the car.
Thanks for the help fellas.
Here’s a link to the thread you were probably trying to find. When you search with multiple words make sure to click “search for all terms” :rolleyes:
Hahah that one was for my driver’s window. Now I need to take out the rear quarter window. Thanks though! I’ll try searching again.
It’s glued on…get a piece of old guitar string and very CAREFULLY and SLOWLY scrape it off lol
theres also 3 clipsholding it in
you can get to them by removing the triim in the hatch or smashing them wth a trowel and hammer like we did
and theres also an inch of tar that a heat gun works kinda good on, and the wire pulled through helped too
i will take pictures of my 180sx rear quaters. they show exactly what they are connected to. and there are 3 bolts/clips