Anyone removed quarter windows?

i want to pull the rear quarter windows (the ones behind the door) out of my parts car, just wondering if anyone here has done this before and has any tips on doing it. i searched on google and couldn’t find any info about it. any tips would be appreciated!


it’s a bitch, use a guitar string or piano wire to cut the glue, or you will break the window.

Or any other windshield removing blade/wire combo.

The you too can have a few stacks of quarter glass.

Which, I have never ever met someone that’s broken one.

So I have a few spares if anyone needs them LOL

how do you get the wire through in the first place though? looks sorta tight.

Good luck man. i attempted to take my driver side off… and i got 3/4 thru and then … “ding SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHH” glass all over the place and me cursing for 10 min…

Im sure if you use a guitar string, or a metal string or something around those lines will work fine.

~ Justin