removing quarter windows (help)

I am stripping the car down for paint and want to remove the quarter windows before paint. how do they come out? i have herd they just un bolt but im not sure, does anyone have pics of how they come out or know how they come out …

correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t they eurethane’d in like a windsheild?

i believe theres two bolts and yes they are eurathaned in there like a winshield. i used guitar string or piano wire to remove mine.

would this be the same for a coupe? and how do u get the piano wire through?

I haven’t done this personally, but a buddy of mine used a long Olfa cutting knife to cut through the eurathane.

do you need new plastic weather stripping after?

no u do not need new weather stripping afterwards dude , its attached right to the window, jsut remove the interior panels u can get to the nuts that hold the window on , gently push on the window with your hand and get a knife to make u a hope , u can either cut the urathane with a good olfa knife or shove a piano wire through the hole and just saw back and fourth

after i do this will i have problems with wind noise or leaking in the windows what do you use after to seal it back into place
i am willing to give it a try i want to paint everything

You’ll have to cut off the urathane from the window after and then re-urathane it onto the car and bolt it on…the bolts are simply there to just hold it in place while the urathane dries which is 2+ days.

i’m a firm believer in the exacto knife, i removed the glass from my car like that.

if u watch this video u will see how they put the windows on.

if u watch this video u will see how they put the windows on.