replaceing windshield?

anyone have any good pointers on how to remove a windshield. I went to the junkyard today to get a windshield and i couldnt figure out how to get it off. i tried using a knife to cut through the urethane. but i couldnt get a good enough hole to stick a metal wire through. I was going to try and use the wire like floss and try and cut away at the urethane.

anyone ? anyone ?

I’ve always used a piece of piano wire and 2 visegrips

yup piano wire and visegrips or good heavy gloves… and it should come right out

edit: drill a hole with… well a drill

yea, but i cant figure out how i’d get the wire through the urethane. i’m not sure if drill would work.

anyone know a professional that would beable to replace the windshield for cheap?
after doing a little reading. pretty much everyone suggests haveing a professional do it.

a drill wont work, as theres no clearance for the drill , the bit would be against the glass to start w/ … let alone have there be room for the chuck and drill

front and rear windsheilds:

utility knive
piano wire
vice grips
and in SOME cases, a propane torch (more on this later)
shop vac
paint sticks
butter knife thats been sharpened on the end, preferably with a rounded tip and a bit of a hook in the end … bend the blade at a slight angle , just like a box end wrench would be

tube of URETHANE windsheild adhesive (see footnote)
bottyle of urethane primer (crucial item, very important)
replacement weatherstrip
glass cleaner
paper towels
masking tape
basic hand tools

for starters, pull the wipers and cowl cover, also a good idea to pull the inside a pillar trim and if the front section of the dash pops off easy, get it out too (al-la dodge neon)

next, grab the end of that lil rubber weatherstip that sits between the glass and body … rip it out, youll wind up destroying it anyways, and its just gonna get in your way

next, take your utility knife of butter knife, and cut all the way around the windsheild from the inside, take the modded butter knife and cut the rest of the way thru the urethane on one side of the window (along the a pillar)

now that most of one side is already free, lightly pry that side of the glass up, JUST ENOUGH to slip the piano wire through

put the vise grips on either end of the piano wire, and use it as a saw to cut the urethan all the way round. some cars are a bitch to cut along the bottom. this is why the profesionals cut the top and sides, do what they can on the bottom , and then slowly push up on the glas as they knive thru the bottom urethane

***if reusing removed windsheild: lay it face down on a blanket, and remove all but a thin layer of the remaining urethane, you want the remaining urethane almost paper thin

repeat above on the body panel lip … use the windsheild primer anyplace the paint got damaged

***if installing a brand new windsheild: prime the edge of the glass, allow to dry

***if weatherstipping is designed to hook on the glass edge, install now

apply a generous bead of urethane all the way around the window

drop in place

push window up down left right till its where it belongs

make sure the lower window spacer blocks are properly in place

***if weatherstipping is designed w/ the barbs on the bottom side , shove it in place now

tape winsheild in place so it doesnt move while setting up

install interior / exterior trim / wipers ect


there have been cases in the past where people have tried to save money by skimping on urethane. they woudl intentionaly leave a large amount of the old urethane in place on the car, and use just enough new stuff to stick the window down

a few of these cars were involved in roll overs, and the windhsheilds blew out, causing the roof to collapse like a house of cards


cut all the old shit off … use all new stuff, and the car will be as strong as it was from the factory