is it hard replacing windshield ? steps ?

hey guys as some of you know already know i got a crack in my windshield, and i need to replace it, if i get a replcamenet one, what are the basic steps, and what would i need, i am handy with tools so dont be afraid to use technical terms/tools, if someone could number a few steps that would be great, i just need some info before i undertake another project blindfolded lol, thanks alot in advance.

hey ive done many windshields at my co-op/ work really all u need is alot of polythane a set or razor blades and ur going to need a tool to remove the windshield from the polythnae im not sure what its called but it has two components to it a handle with a really sharp edge to it and a wire on the side of the handle thats ur tool to take the glass of unless ur loaded and u have the machine to do it. if ur replacing it with a whole new windhsild my supervisior is doing outside jobs now cuz hes getting cheezed at work. we can probley get u a new windshied with the tinted strip and mouldings installed for about 2bills not sure tho. oh yeh be care full with the mouldings they tend to stretch when u take them off and if u ruin it ur going to have to buy a new one. biggest tip i can give u is do it indoors because the cold weather will mess up the mouldings and the polythnae will not work properly and have alot of tape. when ur done doing hte work make sure u tape everything except for the bottom and when u close ur door be srue to leave a lil bit of ur windows down so when u close the door the impact of the air inside wont push against the windshiled and mess up ur hard work. GOOD LUCK :slight_smile:

I tried removing a windshield on my own once even had that nice tool for it. Ended up shattering it and made a mess. There are professionals that will do it for 50 bucks. for the time it takes you to tinker with it and buy the new adhesive its well worth shelling the cash out for.

yup it is i can help u out if u want lol im not trying to advertise my shop or anything jsut tryin to helpu out :slight_smile:

I’ve pulled a lot of windshields and I’ve broken more than I’ve managed to save.

Windshields are pretty cheap to get done, so I’d way rather pay someone $200 to do it, not get glass all over my interior and have a warranty.

But yeah, all you have to do is remove the moldings and start cutting away with a big long x-acto blade. Cut from the inside, start at the bottom, along the dash. You will probably have to pass the blade accross a lot before it actually goes through.

The tools is very helpful, but you’re still pretty likely to chip the windshield. It has a sharp little bladed claw that you dig through the urethane and then a handle you pull to drag the blade along.

Then you still have to get rid of the old windshield (you can’t just put it in the blue box) clear out all the urethane (that shit is like sticky miracle glue).

At the end of the day $200 is going to sound like an amazing deal.

thanks alot guys this was all great info

goood luck bro and remember do it in a warm enviorment lol

lol sounds like a good idea lol