Can someone help me replace a windshield?

I have the new windshield and urethane but I don’t have the proper tools to remove the existing windshield. I am in the Hamburg area so any help is greatly appreciated.

Btw, this is a 91 Honda Accord.

removing the windshield is relatively easy. Use some guitar string wrapped around 2 wooden handles. Catalyst and i did it with no problems.

umm, not really sure how i would do that?

there should be loads of writeups on the web.

Two pairs of vise grips works good too. There actually is wire made for windshield removal.
Spray the urethane with WD-40 to soften it a bit and use a sawing motion. Two people work better than one doing this.

yeah the guitar string (small kind) is so that once you get it through you can run it all the way around the windshield to break the seal and remove it safley. the tricky part is getting the string through to behin with

I did my winsheild on my probe once. Was a Bloody pain in the ass. But damit, I got that bitch done! I used a hammer and razor blades and my F.D.'s Sawsall.

save yourself the hassle and pay to get it done it will cost less than $100 buck and worth every penny, i have a glass shop that we use at work that if u give them my name youll get a great deal and and lifetime warrt on worksmanship.
pm me if u want the info.

Removing the glass is not easy at all. Have it done.

so have I, im just saying its usually not worth the time, mess and effort concidering it can be done really cheap.

im trying to put together this project as cheap as possible as my own self goal, so i’ll try it myself and if that doesnt work out ill give up a PM ferrari :tup:

Moved to correct forum

I did all the work on my civic myself - except the windshield. It is a royal pain in the ass, and in the hour it took to have it done, I ate some lunch, then went on with the rest of my life. Worth the $100 in every way.